Your search for 'vision mission goals of Taranki Region Council' returned 4853 results.

Pukeiti garden map

r H u d so n W alk Ayckbourn W alk Rowe Walk W illiam s W alk Richardson W alk G o rd o n W a lk Stead Walk The Valley Of The Giants Lookout Rainforest Giant Rata Large Leaf Rhododendrons Lawn Waterwheel Swing bridge Waerenga Keiller Garden Misty Knoll Founders Lawn Weka Wetland H a u le r Lo g T re n ch 100m50 Scale 0 Regional Council Taranaki See enlargement Enlargement

Hollard Centre hirage details

Regional Council Taranaki All enquiries for hireage contact: or phone: 0800 736 222

SPE papers on hydraulic fracturing

page Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) papers on hydraulic fracturing These papers are referenced in the Taranaki Regional Council’s ‘Guide to regulating oil and gas exploration and development activities under the Resource Management Act’. Hydraulic Fracturing 101: What Every Representative, Environmentalist, Regulator, Reporter, Investor, University Researcher, Neighbor and Engineer Should Know About Estimating Frac Risk and Improving Frac Performance

11AEE AppendixI

page RECEIVED 3 0 NOV 2017 Taranaki Regional Council APPENDIX'I' URS Summary of Bio-Aerosol Issues page URS Composting and Bioaerosol Pollution Bioaerosol is the term used to describe microorganisms (bacteria, fungi/moulds or viruses) or their products that are airborne. Bioaerosols are naturally present in the air, mainly from soil-borne microorganisms in airborne dust. This means everyone is constantly exposed to them, even at home. Higher levels are present

Pest Off Brodifacoum bait

information about pest animal management contact: TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL Private bag 713, Stratford Ph: 06 765 7127 or 0800 736 222 Fax: 06 765 5097 Email: Brodifacoum possum bait Poison warning sign An approved bait station 30 cm above the ground

Applications received 21 August to 24 September 2023

23-03717-3.0 R2/3717-3.0 Oakhill Farms Limited 28-Aug-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 86 Manaia Road, Manaia Kapuni 23-11149-1.0 R2/11149-1.0 New Plymouth District Council 29-Aug-23 New consent To install six boreholes for geotechnical investigation works to inform design of proposed walkway extension between Mangati and Waitara Land Use Consent Coastal Reserve, Battiscomble Terrace, Waitara Waitara 23-02579-3.0 R2/2579-3.0


page T 0 200m Scale Entries to: Athletics TaranakiTET , New PlymouthPO Box 176 Email: Regional Council Taranaki -PUKEITI PUFFER ENTRY FORM Pukeiti Puffer - Kids 2km - Big Kids/Adults km - Challenge km - Sunday7.3 14.5 Walk 7.3km - 26 March 2017 First name: Surname: Address: Email: Tick boxes Male Female Under 12 Fun Run proceeds to the Cameron and Athletics TaranakiClow Trust TET Enjoy games on the lawn. Bring some

Citylink Dec Sat service buses 2023

*Note: order of buses in each bay may vary BAY A: R10 and R11 - Saturday ARIKI ST C U R R IE S T B R O U G H A M S T E G M O N T S T GILL ST 7 1 2 20 9 6 5 4 3 Enlargement No petrol, no parking, no worries! $2Single zone $3Cash Single zone Per extra zone $1 Standard Fares apply Please scan QR code for fare and concession information Use your Bee Card Citylink is operated by Tranzit Coachlines. Provided by

Appendix 8: Guidelines for groundwater bores and wells

material should consist of clean sand, coarse stone, clay or backfill. The groundwater page 282 A P P E N D IC E S A P P E N D IX V II I discharge from flowing bores must be controlled by cement grout before sealing. All bores should be sealed at the ground surface. Records should be kept and supplied to the Taranaki Regional Council of abandonment procedures, including groundwater conditions, depths sealed and backfilled and

Enviroschools Taranaki - May 2019

touched by this tragedy. Arohanui ki te Christchurch whanau Regional Council Taranaki Taranaki Enviroschools is proudly supported by Carbon Footprint game and unit plan TARANAKI Term 2 MAY 2019 We send our aroha to you all plus our Enviroschools whanau in Te Whenua o Te Po�ki-Tautahi /Christchurch. If you are wan�ng to work more with your students on their level of understanding about what a low carbon emissions future looks like and how it might affect them, then get