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Waste Audit Home

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Pukeiti newsletter and plant list February 2017

Location 47 Cloten Road, Stratford 4332 Phone 0800 736 222 (06) 765 7127 Email Environmental hotline 0800 736 222 Regional gardens Greg Rine Phone: (06) 765 7127 Mobile: 027 240 2470 Andrew Brooker Phone: (06) 765 7127 or Phone (06) 752 4141 Mobile 0210 264 4060 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL is worth a look! B O A R D M E E T I N G S Friday March 31 – 6:00pm at Govett Quilliam Offices

Applications received 22 May 2023 to 28 May 2023

Kapuni 23-10847-2.0 R2/10847-2.0 Manor Properties Limited 24-May-23 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks associated with the subdivision of land for residential development into the New Plymouth District Council stormwater network which enters an unnamed tributary of the Te Henui Stream Discharge Permit 36 Junction Street, Welbourn Te Henui

Pukeiti Rhododendron Trust newsletter February 2020

continued Members’ Activities Offi ce hours Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm Postal address Private Bag 713, Stratford 4352 Location 47 Cloten Road, Stratford 4332 Phone 0800 736 222 (06) 765 7127 Email Environmental hotline 0800 736 222 Regional gardens Greg Rine Phone: (06) 765 7127 Mobile: 027 240 2470 Andrew Brooker Phone: (06) 765 7127 Mobile 0210 264 4060 TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL is worth a …

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 3

achieved. Use TRC LSDP4d as new target Current threshold limit as per the Regional Pest Management Plan for Taranaki is 10% RTC. TRC ZDDP4c Block D Possum control assessed on boundary camera interactions and <2% BMI in rest of area. 30-May-22 Complete Control assessed using dog team as opposed to BMI monitoring. TRC ZDDP6c Evidence that zero possum density is being maintained within Blocks A,B,C; monitoring plan revised (with associated new milestones and

Application 10826 Attachment 1 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

required to be maintained down the of the Fish Pass. Currently this level is set at 80l/s. In conjunction with the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) fishery’s officer, it has been proven that the optimum performance of the fish pass for successful fish passage is approximately 80l/s. Previously NZE/OHL have consulted with Charles Mitchell, the Fisheries expert who was responsible for designing the fish passage and he confirmed that this flow was more appropriate. This means that the remaining

AEE Appendix 4 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

with the Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) fishery’s officer, it has been proven that the optimum performance of the fish pass for successful fish passage is approximately 80l/s. Previously NZE/OHL have consulted with Charles Mitchell, the Fisheries expert who was responsible for designing the fish passage and he confirmed that this flow was more appropriate. This means that the remaining residual flow must come from other sources. During the NZE consent renewal process in 2000, a residual

Applications received 15 May 2023 to 21 May 2023

for expiring consent To take water from a dam in the Waihi Stream for golf green irrigation purposes Water Permit 246 Katene Road, Normanby Waihi 5 23-11063-1.1 R2/11063-1.1 PFI Property No 1 Limited 19-May-23 Change of consent conditions To discharge contaminated stormwater and sediment arising from earthworks onto and into land via the New Plymouth District Council stormwater network Discharge Permit 8 Paraite Road, Bell Block Waiwhakaiho

Remediation Hearing Gibson Supplementary

page .\. BEFORE THE TARANAKI REGIONAL COUNCIL IN THE MA TTER of an application by Remediation (NZ) limited for resource consents under Part 5 of the Resource Management Act 1991 AND IN THE MA TTER applications to obtain replacement consents for Consent Numbers 5838-2.2 and 5839-2 as summarised below: Consent 5838-2.2 - to discharge of a} waste material to land for composting; and b) treated stormwater and leachate, from composting operations; onto and into land in

Waste Audit Schools

page Reduce Waste Box weight Total weight Mixed plastics Waste Audit artwork produced by Taranaki Regional Council page Bottles & Glass Reduce Waste Box weight Total weight Waste Audit artwork produced by Taranaki Regional Council page Reduce Waste Box weight Total weight Newspapers, magazines, light card including teabag boxes Waste Audit artwork produced by Taranaki Regional Council