The Council has secured a further $3.6 million over the four years to June 2027 for the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Scheme (STRESS).
Administered by the Council, funding for hill country erosion control comes from Government’s Ministry for Primary Industries Sustainable Land Management Hill Country Erosion Fund.
Council funding supports soil conservation projects that will reduce the risk of accelerated erosion in the eastern hill country and the subsequent sediment that ends up in our waterways and marine environment.
Who can apply?
Hill country farmers can apply for Council funding to undertake soil conservation projects that meet project and funding criteria.
To be eligible, farmers need to have a Council farm plan in place on their property. Once the agreed plan is developed, the farmer is eligible to apply for funding assistance to implement works that qualify.
To request a Council farm plan or to apply for funding, fill out our contact form here(external link) and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Alternatively, call us on 0800 736 222 and ask for a Land Management Officer or email
Find out more
Download our new information sheet on the hill country funding for farmers here [PDF, 519 KB].
Studies show that compared to pasture, 90% less erosion occurs under bush/forestry plantation, 80% less under scrub cover and up to 70% less where soil conservation trees are planted.
Soil conservation measures can take six to eight years to establish before they can provide adequate protection against erosion and reduce the sediment generated and delivered to waterways. Extreme storm events resulting in flooding and slips are likely to occur somewhere in Taranaki about once every five to six years. This highlights the need for landowners to take preventative measures to minimise the effects of soil loss.
Making progress

Farm plans with implemented works supported by the STRESS programme on areas prone to erosion in the hillcountry