Gardens news

Keep up to date with happenings at Pukeiti, Tūpare and Hollard Gardens.

Treehouse lunchboxes arrive at Pukeiti just in time for summer holidays

rsz rainforest eatery 10

Wed 23 Dec 2020

The Rainforest Eatery at Pukeiti has launched takeaway picnic lunches for hassle-free family eating.

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Young Mia finally celebrates naming of new rhododendron resizeimage 8

Tue 27 Oct 2020

Mia Edmonds, 4, was delighted to finally plant the ‘Rosy Comet’ at Pukeiti, a new hybrid vireya Rhododendron she won the naming rights to in a Pukeiti summer competition.

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Hollard Gardens Family Corner becomes spray free

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Thu 08 Oct 2020

Hollard Gardens has introduced sawdust as a natural solution to control weeds in its popular children’s play area, eliminating the need to use potentially toxic sprays in this high use area.

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Pukeiti's rainforest hut opens doors resizeimage 6

Fri 02 Oct 2020

Pukeiti is excited to announce the opening of its 12-bed Pīwakawaka Family Hut, giving families the chance to sleep above the treetops and wake up to birdsong.

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Say hello to Rainforest Eatery

rsz pukeiti founders cafe outside

Mon 21 Sept 2020

Say hello to Rainforest Eatery, the vibrant new cafe nestled in the heart of Pukeiti – serving up old school favourites with a modern twist.

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Tūpare awarded Travellers' Choice 2020


Tue 08 Sept 2020

Tūpare has been awarded the 2020 Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Award, placing it in the top 10% of attractions worldwide.

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Magic or science? Pukeiti offers both

Keith Hammett and Andrew Brooker

Mon 15 Jul 2019

The magic of Pukeiti has enchanted thousands of Taranaki people - but it's the science and deep knowledge behind the magic that captivated one recent visitor.

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Pukeiti much more than just a pretty face

Rhododendron cuttings at Pukeiti.

Fri 28 Jun 2019

Pukeiti’s unique qualities, and the experience and expertise behind them, have a pivotal national role in a global effort to save threatened rhododendron species from extinction.

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