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Offshore subtidal rocky reef habitats on Patea Bank South Taranaki

suggestion of one of the STUC members, a small reef observed by divers to support rich fish life and abundant reef cover was adopted as the project’s focus, and unofficially came to be known as ‘Project Reef’. The Project Reef citizen science group was created, with iwi partners (Ngā Rauru, Ngati Ruanui), and outreach initiatives to work with local high school students. The Taranaki Regional Council also provided support in the earlier years as the project’s science partner. The Project Reef is

Annual report 2016-2017

of the Inaha Stream and its tributaries, riparian management, groundwater surveys, and facilitates community and Iwi engagement meetings. The Council’s monitoring programme for the year under review included 12 inspections, 158 water samples collected for physicochemical analysis, two biomonitoring surveys of receiving waters and odour surveys. In addition the Council also undertook continuous monitoring in the Inaha Stream and its tributaries relating to temperature and flow. TBP

Review of minimum flows & water allocation in Taranaki

population proportionally. To maintain populations of these fish species with high 2 Taranaki iwi will be consulted with separately with regards to local meaning and application during stakeholder workshops. 3 Tipa & Teirney 2003 page 6 flow requirement, low flows over a 30 day period (as indicated by the 30-day MALF4) should be maintained at an adequate level. Because trout, koaro and torrentfish have the highest

Ample Group monitoring report 2017-2018

impacting on a statutory acknowledgement area of Ngati Ruanui and Ngaa Rauru. In accordance with legislation the Council sent a copy of the application to both Iwi and invited them to comment. Ngati Ruanui’s raised some questions which the council responded to, while Ngaa Rauru did not comment. The proposed activity is in the rohe of Ngāruahine and the Council has an agreement to send a copy of any application in the rohe to Te Korowai o Ngāruahine Trust (TKONT) for their information. TKNOT had


The new project needs to be included within the Taranaki RLTPlan in order to be progressed. The Transport Agency has therefore lodged a request to vary the current RLTPlan. 4.3 The Committee noted and encouraged the NZ Transport Agency to engage early with affected communities, including Iwi (Ngāti Tama) and landowners re the new Mount Messenger Bypass roading project to avoid any misunderstanding or misrepresentation going forward. The Agency advised the Committee that a

Annual report 2015-2016

loadings on irrigation areas, bio-filter performance and weather conditions. The Council undertakes inspections of the plant site, irrigation and burial areas; water quality and biological monitoring in the Inaha Stream and its tributaries; riparian management, and groundwater surveys, and facilitates community and Iwi engagement meetings. The Council’s monitoring programme for the year under review included 14 inspections, 192 water samples collected for physicochemical analysis and two