application for that activity.
Well drilling
Well drilling is a permitted activity undertaken in accordance with Rule 46 of the
Regional Fresh Water Plan for Taranaki. However if directional drilling results in
structures (eg. Well casing) beneath the sea bed or foreshore, consents pursuant to
the Regional Coastal Plan for Taranaki must be obtained. If such consents are to be
applied for, comment will need to be sought from Iwi under the Marine and Coastal
Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011
• Contribute toward our valued relationship with Ngā Iwi o Taranaki. To
demonstrate our Taranaki Regional Council’s commitment to recognise
and provide for the kaitiaki responsibility Ngā Iwi o Taranaki has for the
natural environment. This will include sharing of knowledge and
information, creating opportunities for increased participation in
decision making processes, effective engagement and development of
existing working relationships.
• Contribute to multi
has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
Policy considerations
17. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy
documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks
including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
18. This memorandum and
Policy considerations
4. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and
positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to,
the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Regional Transport Committee - Port Taranaki presentation
Iwi considerations
5. This
Officers Activity Report
Iwi considerations
5. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making
processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-
term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work
programmes has been recognised in the preparation of this memorandum.
Community considerations
to commence new tasks until other
items have been completed.
3.12 Mr T Velvin highlighted a risk around recovery manager depth and the current
across roles with fatigue across councils and businesses advising that we are
likely to see change within the depth of statutory roles.
3.13 Mayor P Nixon, congratulated TEMO on the Taranaki model being singled out
nationally as a stand out District Health Board and additionally, the efforts of iwi
during difficult periods to ensure the
landowners, consultants and territorial authorities.
The role encompasses effective engagement with iwi and hapū, the local community and a wide
range of internal and external stakeholders to provide sound technical advice on drainage,
flooding, river control and river-related erosion as well as river-related structures, to ensure
effective implementation of regional and national policies and regulations. Effectively
communicating river-related technical advice to a range of audiences is a key
Councillor M J McDonald
Councillor D H McIntyre
Councillor C S Williamson zoom
Councillor E D Van Der Leden
Councillor M P Joyce ex officio
Members Councillor S Hitchcock New Plymouth District Council
zoom first 15 minutes
Councillor C Young South Taranaki District Council
Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative zoom
Ms L Tester Iwi Representative
Attending Mr S J Ruru Chief Executive
Mr A D McLay Director - Resource Management
Ms A J Matthews
Confirmation of Minutes
Date 26 April 2022, 9.30am
Venue: Taranaki Regional Council Boardroom, 47 Cloten Road, Stratford
Document: 3041366
Members Councillor D L Lean Chair
Councillor M J Cloke zoom
Councillor M G Davey
Councillor C L Littlewood
Councillor M P Joyce
Councillor D H McIntyre
Councillor C S Williamson zoom
Councillor E D Van Der Leden
Members Mr K Holswich Iwi Representative zoom
that there may be other chances for Transport Choices funding and Public
Transport opportunities.
• Inflation has had a large impact, with cut backs in place to ensure rate payers are
not having to pay extra. Low cost low risk programmes have been deferred.
• The coastal walkway extension has had all Iwi informed with handover to follow
• An incident occurred involving a tree falling in Ōakura, resulted in NPDC being
found liable for the damage due to the tree’s position and