Government Act 2002, the Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
6. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making
processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002) as outlined in the adopted long-
term plan and/or annual plan. Similarly, iwi involvement in adopted work
programmes has been …
on committees with the exception of the Regional Transport Committee
d) agrees that on the reconstitution of Consents and Regulatory Committee, Policy
and Planning Committee, Regional Transport Committee, Executive, Audit and
Risk Committee, Taranaki Solid Waste Management Joint Committee and Yarrow
Stadium Joint Committee for the triennial period 2019-2022
e) agrees that, in the reconstituting a Policy and Planning Committee, nominations
form Taranaki Iwi (3), the three Taranaki
receives this memorandum National climate change reports.
4. Taonga Freshwater Fish Populations in Aotearoa, New Zealand
4.1 Mr S Tamarapa, Iwi Communciations Officer, spoke to the memorandum introducing a
National Institute of Water and Atmosphere (NIWA) report, commissioned by the Te
Wai Maori Trust, on taonga freshwater populations in Aotearoa, New Zealand. A
presentation Understanding Taonga Freshwater Fisi Populations in Aotearoa, New Zealand,
was provided in support of
A note of sympathy was recorded for the passing of Iwi Representative, Mr
Peter Moeahu’s, wife.
Notification of There were no late items.
Late Items
Confirmation of Ordinary Minutes – 29 June 2021
That the Taranaki Regional Council:
takes as read and confirms the minutes and resolutions of the Ordinary meeting of
the Taranaki Regional Council held at the Taranaki Regional Council Chambers, 47
Cloten Road, Stratford on
iwi and
stakeholder representatives.
The national report notes that there has been good progress in implementing the NPS-FM
but the report records criticism that progress has not been quick enough in some catchments
and regions.
Issues or challenges raised include increasing and ongoing engagement with iwi and hapu,
capacity and capability issues with increased levels of engagement, monitoring and
Policy and Planning Committee - National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management
The Proposed Plan was the culmination of a comprehensive pre-plan notification
engagement process, involving early engagement, consultation on position papers and
technical reports and the earlier release of a Draft Plan. The pre-plan consultation
resulted in many changes to the proposed plan, including those made as a result of iwi
The Proposed Plan was publicly notified for submissions on 24 February 2018. The
deadline for submissions was 27 April 2018.
group or
organisation affiliations.
If candidates wish to list whānau, hapū or iwi details as an affiliation, an endorsement or
confirmation letter from a Marae, Whānau Trust, Iwi Authority, or other Māori organisation
would be required. It is acknowledged whakapapa is a birth right and situations may occur
where candidates may not feel they need to provide proof, in which case whakapapa can be
highlighted in the context of the candidate profile statement and other forums and
Furthermore, schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 2002 requires the Council
to set out in its long-term plan any steps it intends to take to foster the development of Māori capacity to
contribute to the decision making processes over the period covered by the Plan.
There are eight recognised iwi in the region, Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāruahine, Taranaki Iwi, Te
Atiawa, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Maru and Ngāti Tama. Of particular note is Ngāti Maru have signed their deed of
settlement and
Attending Messrs B G Chamberlain (Chief Executive)
G K Bedford (Director-Environment Quality)
B E Pope (Compliance Manager)
Ms J Mack (Committee Administrator)
Mrs V McKay (Science Manager)
Mr R Phipps (Science Manager)
Mr J Glasgow (Senior Investigating Officer)
One member of the public (Mr K Rolfe)
One member of the media arrived 9.50am
Opening Karakia Mr H Eriwata, Iwi Representative, gave the opening Karakia for the
Consents and
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
2.4 Engagement with iwi authorities ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
2.5 Proposed Plan, submissions and pre-hearing process