documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks
including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management
Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Iwi considerations
6. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the
Council’s policy for the development of Māori capacity to contribute to decision-making
processes (schedule 10 of the Local Government …
M G Davey
C L Littlewood
D H McIntyre
E D Van Der Leden
M P Joyce ex officio
D N MacLeod ex officio
Representative Mr K Holswich Iwi Representative
Members Ms E Bailey Iwi Representative
Mr M Ritai Iwi Representative
Attending Mr S J Ruru Chief Executive
Mr M J Nield Director – Corporate Services
Ms A J Matthews Director - Environment Quality
Mr A D McLay Director – Resource Management
Mr C McLellan Consents
with iwi and hapū continues
• Report out in late 2023 sharing feedback from
this round of engagement
• Next round of workshops:
– Mar/Apr 2024
• Notification of Freshwater Provisions end 2024
Working with people | caring for Taranaki
Tell us what you think
• Via one of six location based surveys
(available at www.trc.govt.nz)
• Via a written submission
• Email policy@trc.govt.nz
• Via a meeting with policy staff
Feedback to us no later than
consent processing actions since the last
meeting of the Committee.
2.2 Mr C H McLellan, Consents Manager, advised the Committee that the three limited
notified authorisations issued by the Council for the period 28 September to 8
November 2018 received submissions. In all the cases, matters were resolved through
the Council’s pre-hearing process and included local Iwi involvement and
THAT the Taranaki Regional Council
1. receives the schedule
Paritūtū, Ngā Motu (area returned to Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi as part of Treaty settlement agreements with the Crown and local authorities
annotation https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=6f0f4492c76244d5ace0422efa7e6b0c%20&MapExtentID=44 https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=6f0f4492c76244d5ace0422efa7e6b0c%20&MapExtentID=44
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l a rea s o f ou t s t an d
Paritūtū, Ngā Motu (area returned to Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi as part of Treaty settlement agreements with the Crown and local authorities
annotation https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44 https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l a rea s o f ou t s t an d ing va lue
Paritūtū, Ngā Motu (area returned to Te Atiawa and Taranaki Iwi as part of Treaty settlement agreements with the Crown and local authorities
annotation https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44 https://maps.trc.govt.nz/LocalMapsViewer/?map=14083dae18734b83a3a7a0fc51b34283&MapExtentID=44
CO AS TAL P L AN F O R TARANAK I S chedu le 2 – Coas t a l a rea s o f ou t s t an d ing va lue
an emerging ‘Great
Walk’ set to boost the region’s burgeoning reputation as a visitor destination.
The Council is also confident about its plans to build on recent gains in freshwater quality; to develop its
education programme; and to broaden and deepen its relationship with iwi and hapū.
Financially, the impact of our proposals is relatively minor. The Council is proposing an increase of 3.5 percent in
its general rates take for 2018/2019. In the last three years, the average
identified as Key Native Ecosystems.
Policy and Planning Committee - Confirmation of Minutes
Policy and Planning Committee Meeting Tuesday 13 March 2018
3. Tiaki Te Mauri O Parininihi Trust – Annual Update
Mr John Hooker, Iwi Representative, gave a Mihi whakatau to welcome the guests
from Tiaki Te Mauri O Parininihi Trust to the meeting.
3.1 Mr S R Hall,
the coastline from
Titoko ridge/Whakarewa Pā in the north to Waiau in the south. Ngāti Mutunga iwi and
whānau have gathered and continue to gather food according to the values and tikanga
of Ngāti Mutunga.
There remain important kaitiaki links to the pātiki, kōura and tāmure breeding grounds,
as well as other fish resources.
Another one of the Kaitiaki responsibilities that Ngāti Mutunga traditionally fulfilled and
has continued to the present day is to protect the