measuring the slope over any 20 m distance of the land. The Councils will use a
clinometer or a mobile phone app or tool. Councils may also have drones, aircraft
and high-resolution digital elevation maps available in some areas.
Rule 26(4)(d), National Environmental Standards for Freshwater: livestock must
be kept at least 5 m away from the bed of any river, lake, wetland, or drain
(regardless of whether there is any water in it at
Table 16 Origin Energy provided soil analysis Spence Road landfarm S15-S21 35
Table 17 Origin Energy provided soil results Spence Road landfarm S22-S26 36
Table 18 Origin Energy provided soil results Spence Road landfarm S27-S31 37
List of figures
Figure 1 Aerial photograph of Geary landfarm with regional location inset 9
Figure 2 Origin Energy supplied application area map 13
Figure 3 Schrider landfarm and approximate regional location 18
Figure 4 Schrider Landfarm 25
map Oeo Landfarm 13
Figure 4 Groundwater monitoring well locations Oeo Landfarm 16
Figure 5 Long term TDS record GND2287 Oeo Landfarm 2012-2017 19
1. Introduction
1.1. Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1. Introduction
This report is for the period July 2016 to June 2017 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated with
Kupe Production Station resource consent monitoring report 2020-2021
the Mangorei Stream. There is no residual flow, other than spillway
discharges and seepage, down the Mangamahoe Stream, which was dammed to form the lake.
Figure 1.1 shows the location of the scheme and key features such as catchment extents and
locations of relevant flow monitoring stations. Figure 1.2 is a more detailed map of the scheme
environs that shows the main components of the hydro-electric power scheme. Figure 1.2 also
shows the locations in the Waiwhakaiho catchment for which
Todd Energy Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2021-2022
Condition 6 states that the consent holder shall adopt the best practicable option to
minimise adverse environmental effects.
Condition 7 requires that work associated with the structure shall comply with noise
Condition 8 requires the consent holder to survey and map the position of the
Condition 9 requires the consent holder undertake pre and post-lay surveys of the
pipeline corridor.
Condition 10 states that the structure shall be removed and the area
new drilling, were canvassed and debated. The
tenor of the decision and the conditions attached to the approved marine consent clearly
confirm that offshore drilling in the Taranaki region has negligible if any environmental
effects, with the possible exception of marine biosecurity and on iwi interests, both of
which are able to be managed appropriately according to the DMC. Salient points from
the STOS decision are attached as Appendix 6.
One issue raised by submitters
Developments cleanfill consent 10585-1.0 54
Table 24 Summary of performance for Taranaki Civil Construction Ltd cleanfill consent 10990-1.0 60
Table 25 Chemical analysis of the Waingongoro River at Taranaki Trucking Company, Cardiff Road,
Stratford on 14 September 19 2021 and 30 March 2022 64
Table 26 Summary of performance for Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd's cleanfill consent 5561-1 65
List of figures
Figure 1 Regional map showing the locations of the
minimum (if at all) and we are trialling at our other Midhirst Free Range farm
no spraying and only mowing.
24 In my view the conversion to free range farming, reduction in the number and mass
of birds, improvements undertaken and proposed, and odour management will
substantially reduce the potential for adverse odour and dust effects.
25 A map of Airport Farm free range poultry farm with Shed's labelled and range areas
is included as Attachment D.
Additional benefits of