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Fonterra Whareroa consent monitoring 2017-2018

COD in wastewater discharge, based on 24 hour time-proportioned composite samples 37 Figure 10 Map of sampling sites in relation to the outfall 42 Figure 11 Mean number of species per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2018) 42 Figure 12 Mean Shannon-Weiner indices per quadrat for spring surveys (1992-2018) 42 Figure 13 Mean number of species per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2018) 43 Figure 14 Mean Shannon-Weiner Indices per quadrat for summer surveys (1986-2018) 43

Report and decision on New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant on a contingency basis (2015)

the specific area over which the waste will be discharged; and (e) the likely duration of the discharge. 16. The consent holder shall keep records of the following: (a) volumes of material disposed; (b) disposal area[s], including a map showing individual disposal areas with GPS co- ordinates; (c) dates of commencement and completion disposal events; (d) results of the sampling required by conditions 7 and 8; (e) dates that sowing disposal areas occurred; (f) details of monitoring,

FonterraNitrogenReport example Redacted web

DEMONSTRATE COMPLIANCE Utilise your nitrogen report to demonstrate compliance with regional council rules; it is recommended that you speak to your Sustainable Dairying Advisor to enter your farm management blocks into our mapping system to ensure that these are consistent with council requirements. acroform


consideration of effects. • Ensuring rules align with the national regulations and international industry best practice, and efficient regulation of new technologies and techniques. • Tighter controls on hard protection structures to manage coastal natural hazards. • More explicit recognition of sites of significance through schedules in the Plan that identify and map values. CHANGES SUGGESTED IN THE DRAFT PLAN The Plan is a ‘statutory document’, which means it is enforceable


that is understandable to the community. Wherever possible, maps and diagrams have been used to demonstrate environmental conditions and trends. Case studies and examples of particular programmes are presented for added interest. Māori words and phrases Assistance with the accuracy and correct usage of Te Reo Māori was received from Te Reo O Taranaki Charitable Trust. In considering the spelling of Māori words and place names that have long vowels, the report adopts the Māori

Quarterly Operational Report December 2017

engagement being undertaken to inform the preparation of a Proposed Plan. Completed reports and a survey for determining surf break attributes and significance. Online mapping portal developed. Draft Section 32 report and Proposed Coastal Plan prepared ready for public notification. Regional Air Quality Plan: Interim review 2016/2017. Full review 2021/2022. The review of the Regional Air Quality Plan for Taranaki was completed and made operative on 25 July

Quarterly Operational Report March 2017

soil mapping and applications, management options for aquatic weeds, assessment criteria for fish passage and barrier mitigation options, and review of marine recreational microbiological guidelines and their scientific basis. There is on-going engagement with MBIE's National Science Challenges, to pursue specific projects of benefit to the Taranaki region-specifically the 'Nature's Challenges', 'Bioheritage' and 'Our land and Water' challenges. A workshop for the

Quarterly Operational Report December 2016

Quality Sampling Standards. Four projects approved for funding: farm scale soil mapping and applications, management options for aquatic weeds, assessment criteria for fish passage and barrier mitigation options, and review of marine recreational microbiological guidelines and their scientific basis. There is on- going engagement with MBIE's National Science Challenges, to pursue specific projects of benefit to the Taranaki region- specifically the 'Nature's Challenges',

Annual report 2012-2013

Figure 1 Quarry operations, wastewater treatment system and location of sampling sites 4 Figure 2 Aerial location map 5 page 1 Introduction 1. 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is the Annual Report for the period July 2012-June 2013 by the Taranaki Regional Council on the monitoring programme associated with a resource consent held by Inglewood Metal Ltd. The Company