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Coastal and marine biodiversity

that have been recorded in New Zealand coastal and marine waters. The website provides information on ways to minimise the risk of marine pests and includes a project map comparing different ports across New Zealand. The Council works with DOC and Port Taranaki Limited to remove Undaria from structures around the breakwater. annotation annotation Coastal habitats on

Introduction and guide to regional rules

Rules 1-14. (A map of the catchment is contained in Appendix IV). Step Three: If the activity is to occur outside the Hangatahua (Stony) River catchment, break the activity down into parts. Does the activity involve: (a) taking, use, damming or diversion of surface water (refer to rules 15 to 20); (b) discharge of contaminants to land or water (refer to rules 21 to 45); (c) bore or well construction (refer to rules 46 and 47); (d) taking and use of groundwater (refer to

Irrigation Water Monitoring Annual Report 2020 2021

Figure 3 Total consented water abstractions – distributed by activity 2020-2021 4 Figure 4 Pasture irrigation zones and locations of consented irrigation in Taranaki 5 Figure 5 Distribution map of the total rainfall recorded from 1 December 2020 to 31 March 2021 10 List of photos Photo 1 Mosaic of pictures depicting k-line long lateral type irrigation 6 Photo 2 Picture depicting centre pivot 6 Photo 3 Picture depicting travelling irrigator system 7 Photo 4 An example of

Regional Cleanfills consent monitoring 2017-2018

consent 6280-1 75 List of figures Figure 1 Regional map showing the locations of the cleanfills monitored under this programme during the year under review 5 Figure 2 AA Contracting Ltd cleanfill and sampling sites at Henwood Road, New Plymouth 11 Figure 3 A & A George Family Trust cleanfill at Dudley Road, Inglewood 16 Figure 4 AE Riddick's cleanfill and sampling site at Carrington Road, New Plymouth 20 Figure 5 BJ & LB Bishop's cleanfill sand sampling sites at Ahu Ahu,

Annual report 2014-2015

conditions the consent holder must supply the Council with an annual report to satisfy the following condition. ‘The consent holder shall keep records of the following: a) Wastes from each individual well b) Composition of wastes c) Stockpiling area d) Volumes of material stockpiled e) Landfarming areas, including maps f) Volumes and weights of wastes landfarmed g) Dated of commencement and completion of stockpiling and landfarming events h) Treatments applied page 13

Eltham wastewater treatment plan monitoring report 2018-2019

figures Figure 1 Schematic layout of Eltham WWTP prior to the diversion of wastewater to the Hawera WWTP 4 Figure 2 Aerial view of the Eltham WWTP 5 Figure 3 Aerial map showing location of chemical and biomonitoring sampling sites 13 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is for the period July 2018 to June 2019 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on


or affected by the application 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Location The site is located on State Highway 3 (1450 Mokau Road) approximately 2 kilometres south of the Uruti Village and lies within the catchment of the Haehanga Stream, which is a tributary of the Mimi River. The legal Description is PtSec4Blkll UpperWaitaraSD. Acopyofthetitleanda map of the property are included in Appendix 'A' Land Location: Legal Description: Certificate of Title: S/te Area: 1460 Mokau Road,

Land Transport Plan monitoring report 2016-2017

Pathways for People activities. As part of applying the NZ Transport Agency’s required Business Case Approach, a number of stakeholder Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) workshops were held throughout the region for specific transport projects and Asset/Activity Management Plans. 2) An effective, efficient and resilient land transport system that enhances economic wellbeing, growth and productivity in the Taranaki region and beyond. All maintenance and improvements works

Biennial report 2013-2015

Burgess & Crowley Ltd Quarry consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council

Annual report 2013-2014

performance for consent 5349-1 to discharge up to 15,000 cubic metres/day of uncontaminated stormwater and 4,000 cubic metres/day of treated stormwater 28 Table 12 Summary of performance for consent 5351-1 to erect, place and maintain structures in the beds of unnamed tributaries of the Waingongoro River 29 List of figures Figure 1 Regional map of the site showing the position of the location landfill site 5 Figure 2 Aerial view of Eltham Central landfill site and sampling points