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Annual report 2015-2016

to provide a technology report on two occasions, while Condition 20 requires an annual report. Condition 21 states that the consent holder must maintain a contingency plan for the site. Conditions 22 and 23 require the consent holder to meet with Council, iwi and interested parties regarding the operation and monitoring of the consent. Condition 24 is a review provision. NPDC holds discharge permit 2982-4 to cover the discharge of up to 60 m3/day of leachate from a sludge

Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Annual Report 2022-2023

year (November to April inclusive) recorded upstream and downstream of the Tariki Weir 16 Figure 6 Actual water temperatures in the Manganui River showing diurnal differences for both upstream and downstream of the Tariki Weir, 1 November 2022 – April 2023 16 Figure 7 The average difference in mean monthly water temperatures between sites during different time periods 18 Figure 8 Map showing sampled sites with current survey results 19 Figure 9 Cumulative weight of elvers

C D Boyd Drilling Waste and Stockpiling Landfarm and Landspreading Annual Report 2020-2021

Freshwater Plan for Taranaki (RFWP). However contaminated stormwater is required to be pumped from the irrigation pit to the adjacent paddock. Figure 1 Surrey Road stockpiling facility and monitoring locations page 11 Site data Location Word descriptor: Surrey Road, Inglewood, Taranaki Map reference: E 1701847 (NZTM) N 5651476 Mean annual rainfall: 1,942 mm Mean annual soil temperature: - Mean annual soil moisture:

Annual report 2014-2015

List of figures Figure 1 Sampling sites in the Kurapete Stream in relation to Inglewood oxidation ponds 15 Figure 2 Aerial location map 15 Figure 3 Riparian plans prepared in the Kurapete Stream catchment to June 2015 20 page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1 Introduction This report is the Annual Report for the period July 2014 to June 2015 by the Taranaki Regional

Waitōtara Scheme Management Plan

to stabilise the riverbank in this area. page Figure 2: Catchment Map page 3. Future channel management 3.1. Scheme works area Figure 7 shows the extents of the Schemes Rivers which are included in the works area. Close examination of 2002 and 2016 aerial photographs however show that most of the clearing works on the Waitotara River occurred in the river between the Lime Works Bridge and the Moumahaki confluence and in the Moumahaki