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STDC landfills monitoring report 2017-2018

Patea closed landfill stormwater and sediment consent 7268-1 48 List of figures Figure 1 Regional map of STDC landfills 6 Figure 2 Eltham landfill and sampling sites 9 Figure 3 Aerial view of Hawera landfill and sampling sites 13 Figure 4 Hawera landfill leachate chloride concentration; 1999 – 2018 16 Figure 5 Hawera landfill leachate filtered chemical oxygen demand; 1999 – 2018 17 Figure 6 Hawera landfill leachate ammoniacal nitrogen, 1998 - 2018 17 Figure 7

Annual report 2014-2015

discharges, an aerial photograph or map showing the location of the activity, and an outline of the matters covered by the company’s air discharge permit. Subsection 2 presents the results of monitoring of the company’s activities during the period under review, including scientific and technical data. Subsection 3 discusses the results, their interpretation, and their significance for the environment in the immediate vicinity of the site under discussion.

Regional cleanfills consent monitoring 2018-2019

Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd's cleanfill, Cardiff Road, Stratford, 21 February 2019 80 Table 35 Summary of performance for Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd's cleanfill consent 5561-1 81 List of figures Figure 1 Regional map showing the locations of the cleanfills monitored under this programme during the year under review 5 Figure 2 AA Contracting Ltd cleanfill and sampling sites at Henwood Road, New Plymouth 11 Figure 3 A & A George Family Trust permitted cleanfill area at

Stratford wastewater treatment plant monitoring report 2018-2019

Table 7 Low flow receiving water results, January 2019 12 Table 8 Summary of performance for consent 0196-4 16 Table 9 Evaluation of environmental performance over time 17 List of figures Figure 1 Aerial location map of sampling sites in relation to Stratford WWTP 10 List of photos Photo 1 Stratford WWTP 4 Photo 2 View of Stratford WWTP primary pond with aerators operating 9 page 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and

Quarterly Operational Report September 2018

Target will not be achieved  Delayed  Overdue page Resource management QUARTERLY OPERAT IONAL REPORT – SEPTEMBER 2018 13 Sustainable land management plans and plant supply programme Promoting sustainable land and riparian management by providing land management advice and information on an individual property basis and through advocacy and facilitation. Commentary/Highlights The commissioning and mapping of riparian plans is the focus for this

Land Transport Plan monitoring report 2017-2018

project and STDC’s Pathways for People activities. As part of applying the NZ Transport Agency’s required Business Case Approach, a number of stakeholder Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) workshops were held throughout the region for specific transport projects and Asset/Activity Management Plans. 2) An effective, efficient and resilient land transport system that enhances economic wellbeing, growth and productivity in the Taranaki region and

Quarterly Operational Report March 2018

regional councils, to enhance knowledge base for policy development and implementation. Projects with clear relevance and benefit to Taranaki to be adopted by "Envirolink" and other funding opportunities (advocacy to be reported through Council's annual report processes). Envirolink projects encompassing a High Intensity Rainfall Design System, Discrete Water Quality Sampling Standards, farm scale soil mapping and applications, aquatic weeds management, assessment

Annual report 2016-2017

Nova Energy McKee Power Plant consent monitoring report 2016-2017