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Policy & Planning minutes March 2021

Council G Boyde Stratford District Council (left 11.15am) Mr P Moeahu Iwi Representative Ms L Tester Iwi Representative Ms B Bigham Iwi Representative Mr P Muir Federated Farmers Representative Attending Councillors D L Lean Messrs M J Nield Director – Corporate Services A D McLay Director - Resource Management G K Bedford Director - Environment Quality D Harrison Director - Operations C Spurdle Planning Manager C Wadsworth Strategy Lead

Council meeting agenda February 2020

Item 2 12 Minutes Consents and Regulatory Meeting - 4 February Item 3 17 Minutes Policy and Planning Meeting - 4 February Item 4 24 Minutes Executive, Audit and Risk - 17 February Item 5 28 March 2020 Meeting dates Item 6 29 Membership of Regional Transport Committee Item 7 31 Iwi Appointments to Standing Committees Item 8 37 Taranaki Triennial Agreement Item 9 43 Local Governance Statement Item 10 70 2020/2021 Annual Plan Estimates Item 11 79 Public Excluded …

Executive, Audit & Risk agenda May 2021

financial information included in this memorandum has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice. Policy considerations 17. This memorandum and the associated recommendations are consistent with the policy documents and positions adopted by this Council under various legislative frameworks including, but not restricted to, the Local Government Act 2002, the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987. Iwi

Remediation hearing - applicant's evidence - expert evidence (planning)

environmental effects are acceptable in this location. page Cultural Effects 70. I prepared the original Assessment of Cultural Effects (2018) provided as part of this application, and this identifies effects of the proposal from the perspective of Ngāti Mutunga. 71. The Haehanga Stream and the Mimitangiatua River hold high cultural and spiritual significance for Ngāti Mutunga, and this is clearly identified and detailed in the Ngāti Mutunga Iwi

OIl Spill Plan annex 10: Media, Māori & community relations

initiating media releases and liaison as outlined in the National Oil Marine Contingency Plan. Iwi Liaison The intrinsic relationship that tangata whenua have with the natural environment and the role and responsibilities associated with Kaitiakitanga, are a clear indication that the iwi and hapu of Taranaki have an important role in a marine oil spill response. The coastal marine area of Taranaki contain many sites of significance for iwi and hapu as well as areas that are important for

MaoriConstituencySubmissions201-300 - Updated April 2024

067699182 I wish to appear in person at a hearing scheduled for 6 April in Stratford No Your submission Do you support the establishment of a Maori constituency for Taranaki Regional Council? (choose one) No Comments: There are already Maori on committees who probably have a good perspective of maori ideals. We don't need a separate councillor who will probably have biased iwi views. I consider a separate Maori seat as racist. page Form Name: Maori constituency submission

Māori Constituency Submissions 201-300

067699182 I wish to appear in person at a hearing scheduled for 6 April in Stratford No Your submission Do you support the establishment of a Maori constituency for Taranaki Regional Council? (choose one) No Comments: There are already Maori on committees who probably have a good perspective of maori ideals. We don't need a separate councillor who will probably have biased iwi views. I consider a separate Maori seat as racist. page Form Name: Maori constituency submission

Ordinary Council Minutes August 2023

S J Ruru – Chief Executive, spoke to the members for their consideration of whether to undertake a representation review for the 2025 Council elections. 6.2 Councillor B J Bigham, updated the members that Iwi meet today and are yet to advise. Therefore this paper will be held over to the next meeting Resolved That the Taranaki Regional Council: received the memorandum Electoral Decisions- Representation Review does not undertake a review of representation