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Memo 04 March 2022

it can be developed. Until such time, land within this zone may be used for a range of agricultural, pastoral and horticultural activities, but other types of activities are to be managed and/or avoided to ensure the activities occurring within the zone are compatible with and do not compromise potential future urban uses. In the notified PDP, free-range poultry farming falls under the definition of rural page 3 industry (see the definition nesting


memory  Limited discordant elements disrupt the distinctive pattern of boulders along the river bed channel Transient values  Hangatahua (Stony) River catchment is exposed to some of the heaviest rain in New Zealand with rocks rolling down the river in accelerated river flows frequently changing its course  At other times the river is recognised for having waters so clear that it appears that it isn’t there, however this has declined in more recent years due to natural erosion

Schedule 2 - Coastal areas of outstanding value

the distinctive pattern of boulders along the river bed channel Transient values  Hangatahua (Stony) River catchment is exposed to some of the heaviest rain in New Zealand with rocks rolling down the river in accelerated river flows frequently changing its course  At other times the river is recognised for having waters so clear that it appears that it isn’t there, however this has declined in more recent years due to natural erosion higher up the catchment in Egmont National

Schedule II: Coastal areas of outstanding value

the distinctive pattern of boulders along the river bed channel Transient values  Hangatahua (Stony) River catchment is exposed to some of the heaviest rain in New Zealand with rocks rolling down the river in accelerated river flows frequently changing its course  At other times the river is recognised for having waters so clear that it appears that it isn’t there, however this has declined in more recent years due to natural erosion higher up the catchment in Egmont National

Annual report 2012-2013

managed. Minimal flaring was being undertaken with no resulting smoke or odours. No discharge was occurring from the skimmer pits but recent rain had elevated suspended solids content in the stormwater which may have required the pits to be cleaned out. 29 October 2012 No drilling was being undertaken at the time of inspection. Most of the exploration equipment had been moved to Cheal-B and C wellsites. The production facilities were neat and tidy. There was no discharge off site. Some silt

Triennial report 2010-2013

bubbling, though not odorous. A concrete apron had been constructed beside the first pond for easier wash-down and odour control. The storm drain pond beside the bio- filter was emitting a slight sulphurous odour. More trees had been removed along the front fence of the house opposite, which was now plainly visible. 12 July 2012 A routine inspection was carried out on 12 July 2012. Gentle very light rain stopped during the inspection. There was a light NE wind. An odour survey along Hursthouse

Annual report 2014-2015

any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Water permit 1125-4 allows Vector to take water from Kapuni Stream for the operation of a gas processing facility and related ancillary purposes and downstream uses. This permit was issued by the Council on 19 June 2012 under Section 87(d) of the RMA. It is due to expire on 1 June 2035. Condition 1 sets maximum

Annual report 2013-2014

Paritutu/Centennial intersection. A new trade waste metering/sampling system, operated by NPDC, was observed while in use on Paritutu Road. 19 March 2014 The weather was overcast and misty, with a light W wind, after rain the previous day. The storm ponds, which had not been emptied for over six weeks and were soupy green, were released all together at slow rate to reduce discoloration of Herekawe Stream. There was some foaming within the mixing zone. The incinerator was operating, burning general