Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1927 results.

Representation review 2018 - public notice

otherwise. The representation of the Stratford and South Taranaki constituencies falls outside the stipulated range. The Council considers that the Stratford Constituency warrants one member and the South Taranaki Constituency warrants two members for the following reasons: • the proposed representation reflects the status quo (with only minor proposed boundary changes), which is well understood and accepted by the regional community. • the constituency boundaries are closely aligned to

Policy & Planning minutes July 2020

and anything existing would not fall under this Proposed Bylaw. Recommends That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) receives this agenda memorandum Making River Control and Flood Protection Bylaw for Taranaki b) receives and adopts the attached proposed River Control and Flood Protection Bylaw for Taranaki 2020 and supporting documentation c) approves the commencement of the special consultative process for the making of new bylaws in accordance with the LGA d) notes that …

Monthly Rainfall Norms

page SITE(s) PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO PRO USED JAN TOT FEB TOT MAR TOT APR TOT MAY TOT JUN TOT JUL TOT AUG TOT SEP TOT OCT TOT NOV TOT DEC TOT Nth Egmont 942003 413.7 413.7 387.6 801.3 417.5 1218.8 516.9 1735.7 658.6 2394.3 714.1 3108.4 681.9 3790.3 693.5 4483.8 689 5172.8 785.9 5958.7 501.6 6460.3 576.8 7037.1 Dawson Falls 943104 330.1 330.1 330 660.1 370 1030.1 483.7 1513.8 614.1 2127.9 623.3 2751.2 616.3 3367.5 605.8 3973.3 553 4526.3 558.7 5085 418.4 5503.4

The benefits of riparian management

able to drink directly from the stream then they will not be exposed to liver fluke. Streambank fences enable easier stock control when mustering, keep sick stock out of streams, and reduce stock deaths by drowning, falling down steep banks, or getting bogged. Trees on banks, as well as shading and sheltering stock in the adjacent paddock, provide timber for on-farm use if they’re silviculturally managed. Farmers and their families don’t just get a farm landscape that’s enhanced

Appendix 7: Agrichemicals managment

in Table 1 below are regarded as that – guidelines, which represent the best estimate for three typical application types. Buffer zones, with or without shelter belts, merely provide an opportunity for concentrations of agrichemicals to fall sufficiently so that the risk to sensitive areas beyond the buffer zone becomes acceptable (i.e. environmental exposure levels are not exceeded). Depending on the particular circumstances however, there is no guarantee that this can be

Form B – Land Use (Use of beds of lakes and rivers)

and attach plans of the proposed activity. Include dimensions eg depth of excavation, deposits and a real extent page 06/23 - Doc # 3115168 Page 14 of 20 SECTION F – Other structures Please note this section is for all other structures that don’t fall into the categories above 8) Details of the Activity 8.1 Please ensure your Assessment of Environmental Effects contains a details of activity section Where relevant