revenue streams. Port Taranaki Ltd operates in a highly-
competitive trading environment and there are no guarantees that it will be able to continue to deliver forecast
dividend levels. Accordingly there is a risk that profits and dividends may fall at some future point. This is the
biggest risk to the delivery of the Council’s proposed programmes.
Over the ten years, there are fluctuations in the level of changes in general rates. Unchanged, these fluctuations
would result in
4.5.1 Asset maintenance expenditure requirements
All expenditure on infrastructure assets will fall into one of two categories: capital
expenditure or operating expenditure.
(a) Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure projects are those displaying one or more of the following
Okato Scheme Asset Management Plan
27 August 2020 23
Construction works which create a new asset that did not previously exist in any shape
or form.
4.5.1 Asset maintenance expenditure requirements
All expenditure on infrastructure assets will fall into one of two categories: capital
expenditure or operating expenditure.
(a) Capital Expenditure
Capital expenditure projects are those displaying one or more of the following
Okato Scheme Asset Management Plan
27 August 2020 23
Construction works which create a new asset that did not previously exist in any shape
or form.
7-day period across all the
recorded years. MALF is generally the minimum flow needed to maintain a catchment’s natural character and
ecosystem health however, as this measurement is an ‘average’, flows do naturally fall below MALF during
prolonged periods of dry weather or drought.
Estimations of MALF are made using long term flow records but, if no records are available, it can also be
estimated using records from hydrologically similar streams. When developing estimates of MALF, flow
existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms
of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on
having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space.
22. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of
omission to conclude that the consent application falls under Rule 52 of the RAQP. Rule 52
covers “Existing poultry farming processes” whereas AFT
effective under the new operation. In terms
of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on
having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space.
22. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of
omission to conclude that the consent application falls under Rule 52 of the RAQP. Rule 52
covers “Existing poultry farming processes” whereas AFT (and Tonkin and Taylor) clearly
Manawa Energy Mangorei HEP Annual Report 2022-2023
Taylor report has also avoided commenting on how controls should be enhanced
and where existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms
of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on
having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space.
22. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of
omission to conclude that the consent application falls
conclude that the consent application falls under Rule 52 of the RAQP. Rule 52
covers “Existing poultry farming processes” whereas AFT (and Tonkin and Taylor) clearly
indicate that the Application covers a conversion of an existing operation to free range (our
emphasis added). According to the RAQP this would make the Application subject to Rule 54.
23. While making this Application subject to Rule 54 (discretionary activity) seems to remove
any rule based obligation to notify the
extensive historical information is provided in previous monitoring reports, listed in
the bibliography.
Photo 1 Opunake Hydro Limited scheme on the Waiaua River
1.3 Resource consents
1.3.1 Water abstraction permit
Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any
water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a
regional plan, or it falls within some particular