Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1929 results.

Port Taranaki industries monitoring 2018-2019

ground in the log and coal storage areas. When it rained this material would wash into the stormwater system, resulting in high suspended solids. In order to minimise deleterious effects on the receiving environment, Port Taranaki Ltd (Port Taranaki) have implemented a number of preventative measures since 2012, including upgrading the stormwater treatment system and improving stormwater management procedures. Table 1 Port Taranaki log exports 2015 - 2019 Financial year Japanese

Analysis of stream responses to riparian management on the Taranaki ring plain

particularly Campylobacter, but also Cryptosporidium oocysts, Giardia cysts, Norovirus, other human enteric viruses, and/or Salmonellae (McBride and Soller 2017; MfE 2017). Faecal contamination of water by livestock or other animals can occur via direct deposition, runoff from pastoral land, and piped discharges from farms. Human contamination of water can occur due to leaking sewage pipes or septic tanks, poorly treated sewage, and overflow of storm water systems during heavy rain

Annual report 2016-2017

McKechnie Aluminium consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Annual report 2015-2016

summary, it was concluded that there was minimal use of the stream for food- gathering or recreational purposes, and that the public health risk was minimal under heavy rain overflow conditions. Wet weather in August 2015 and September 2015 raised pond levels but not to overflow levels indicating that work done to reduce stormwater infiltration and inflow has had a marked effect. No additional trade wastes connections to the sewerage reticulation were recorded during this monitoring period.

Pest-off Hi-strength possum bait

STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE: This product is a Harmful Substance. HSNO Approval Code: HRC000006 HAZARD CLASSES (HSNO): 6.1E, 6.9B, 9.1D HAZARD IDENTIFIERS: Priority Identifiers – Harmful, Ecotoxic, Keep out of reach of children. Secondary Identifiers - Harmful substance. Repeated oral exposure may cause toxin to accumulate in internal organs and may affect the clotting ability of the blood. DANGEROUS GOODS CLASS: Not classified Dangerous Goods as toxicity falls below


through the specifics and total investment in Taranaki for 2015-2018. A total of around $187 million will be invested in Taranaki’s land transport network over the next three years. Three activities are excluded from the 2015/2018 NLTP due to the timing of the projects in that they fall outside the current programme. The 2015-2018 NLTP can be viewed online at Recommended THAT the Taranaki Regional Council 1. receives the memorandum

TRC Interim Technical Memorandum Sediment NOF Baseline State September 2023

Hill Country Coastal Terraces Pātea Volcanic Ringplain Waitara Northern Hill Country A 64% 0% 39% 27% 54% 84% B 11% 3% 12% 7% 12% 6% C 10% 17% 16% 11% 7% 2% D 16% 79% 32% 55% 27% 8% The modelled estimates show that the majority of total stream reach across the Waitara, Southern Hill Country and Northern Hill Country FMUs fall in band A for visual clarity (54%, 64% and 84%, respectively). Whereas the majority of total stream reach in the