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Regional Transport agenda June 2019

condition and the amount of investment required to return the road to a “reasonable track” standard. One option put forward is to set up a trust as part of the Whangamomona committee, to seek funding. More work to do and no decision as yet.  Plateau carpark is sealed and completed aside from one small drain.  Dawson Falls – an ecological study was done by DOC regarding removing 1,000m2 of bush (formerly a bridleway) in order to realign the road. The Minister has said no. An

NPDC Coastal Structures Biennial Report 2020-2022

associated with significant coastal structures were not adequate to deal with potential adverse effects on the environment and/or they were not aligned with current best practice and expected levels of environmental performance. The outcome of the review was to include the following four conditions into each of the consents: 1. The consent holder shall maintain the structure in a safe and sound state such that: • It does not fall into a state of disrepair and continues to function

Report 2010-2014

the bibliography. page 4 Photo 1 Opunake Hydro Limited scheme on the Waiaua River 1.3 Resource consents 1.3.1 Water abstraction permit Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. Opunake Hydro holds water permit 1795-4 to cover the taking of

Annual report 2012-2013

page 11 1.1.9 Irrigation systems In general there are two types of irrigation methods; surface and pressurised. The majority of irrigation systems currently in operation in the province fall in to the pressurised category. Pressurised systems can be further differentiated based on the method of operation and equipment used. A summary of the systems encountered in the region and some of their advantages and disadvantages are summarised below: K-line and long-lateral

K J and G J McDonald submission attachment

Taylor report has also avoided commenting on how controls should be enhanced and where existing controls might become less effective under the new operation. In terms of equipment that AFT have to mitigate effects of odour and dust, these are all based on having birds contained within a negative pressure maintained enclosed space. 25. Likewise the TRC in its assessment of the Application appears to make a similar error of omission to conclude that the consent application falls

Summer 2013-2014

River, Te Henui Stream, Waimoku Stream, and less frequently at Lakes Opunake and Rotomanu, were due principally to resident wild fowl populations in the vicinity of recreational usage sites (as confirmed by inspections and more recently by DNA marker surveys). In terms of E. coli, bacteriological water quality showed some improvements in the latest survey period in comparison with historical surveys. The total number of samples falling within the “Alert” or “Action” categories (26% of