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Pātea Beach greenwaste monitoring 2018-2019

disposed of at the Patea transfer station. Patea Beach is an elevated site which for most of the time is dry. Rain that does fall on the site drains away at a very rapid rate. The site does not suffer from flooding from rain or tidal action, due to its elevation. 1 The Council has used these compliance grading criteria for 15 years. They align closely with the 4 compliance grades in the MfE Best Practice Guidelines for Compliance,

Annual report 2012-2013

the Hawera waste water treatment plant. 2.2 Results 2.2.1 Inspections One inspection was carried out in the 2012-2013 monitoring year. 16 October 2012 A site visit was made to conduct an inspection and to take groundwater samples. The weather was fine with 16 mm rain over the previous 72 hours. The cap on the landfill was well vegetated and appeared sound. The level of leachate in the collection sump was higher than usual and had approximately 3 cm of foam on it. A sample was

Civil Quarries Ltd Everett Road Quarry Annual Report 2021/22

visit. The flow meter read 21.7 L/s, which was slightly over consent limits. The sample taken from the discharge was only slightly turbid. Further samples were taken from upstream, downstream page 8 and unnamed tributary sites. The downstream sample results exceeded consent limits for turbidity, however no enforcement actions were taken at this time due to sampling methodology errors. 01 April 2022 No rain proceeded prior to inspection. At the time of inspection, the

Colson Rd Landfill consent monitoring 2019-2020

on 12 May 2020 42 Table 11 Results of rain event monitoring – discharge and Puremu Stream samples, 2 June 2020 45 Table 12 Results of rain event monitoring - Manganaha Stream, 2 June 2020 45 page iii Table 13 Biomonitoring sites in the Puremu and Manganaha Streams related to the Colson Road landfill 47 Table 14 Bore depth and screen depth information for potentially collapsed bores 50 Table 15 Chemical analysis of Colson Road landfill groundwater sampled …

Coastal monitoring

Results are available to the public live on our website. What we find is that water quality of the region’s bathing beaches is generally high, with around 95% of samples meeting New Zealand health guidelines for recreational use. Occasionally water quality can be affected. This is particularly evident after heavy rain when a large volume of river water is discharged to the sea, carrying contaminants such as bird faeces, sediment, urban stormwater, agricultural run-off and so on. In some circumstances

Pātea Beach greenwaste monitoring 2020-2021

stabilisation will be done using green waste disposed of at the Patea transfer station. Patea Beach is an elevated site which for most of the time is dry. Rain that does fall on the site drains away at a very rapid rate. The site does not suffer from flooding from rain or tidal action, due to its elevation. page 4 Figure 1 Regional map showing the location of the Patea green waste site Figure 2 Aerial view of the Patea Beach green waste disposal area Patea River

Annual report 2013-2014

monitoring inspection and to take water samples. The weather was fine with 13 mm rain falling over previous 72 hours and the stream system was in low flow. A truck was discharging drilling muds and a digger was operating blending in sawdust at time of inspection. A discussion was held with the digger driver and site manager on the drainage issues at the top of the lower irrigation area and the installation of novaflo in a few swampy areas on the main irrigation flats. Discussion included the

TRC Bulletin - 25 July 2017

freshwater and coastal swimming spots last summer found higher-than-usual levels of bacteria, reflecting the season’s higher rainfall, the Policy and Planning Committee was told. More rain meant dairy effluent ponds discharged for longer and more frequently than usual, and clouds prevented the sun from breaking down bacteria. Even so, waterfowl continued to be the main culprits at the worst freshwater sites, the Waiwhakaiho River near Lake Rotomanu and the mouths of Te Henui Stream and Waimoku Stream.

RKM Farm Limited (MacDonalds Piggery) Annual Report 2023-2024

aerobic ponds were also observed to be in good condition. Discharge from the pond system to the Tawhiti Stream was sampled on two separate occasions (July and March), along with the receiving waters. No visual environmental impacts downstream of the discharge point to the Tawhiti Stream were observed. Effluent collection points within the piggery were viewed during all inspections. They were found to be in good condition, with no signs of spills or overflows even after heavy prolonged rain