Westside New Zealand Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2022-2023
Westside New Zealand Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2022-2023
Westside New Zealand Ltd Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2022-2023
activity without a resource consent. NES-F conditions Passage of fish: The weir must provide for the same passage of fish upstream and downstream as would exist without the culvert, except as required to carry out the works Size: The fall height of the weir must be no more than 0.5m Slope: The slope of the weir must be no steeper than 1:30 Face: The face of the weir must have roughness elements that are mixed grade rocks of 150 to 200mm
before being pumped to a nearby reservoir. The water supply is reticulated to approximately 2,300 separate customers. Filter backwash is discharged via a large pond. The outlet from the pond is an inverted pipe located at the opposite end of the pond from the inlet. The discharge from the pond emerges from a pipe to fall over a small waterfall. At the base of the waterfall the discharged water runs down a natural cobbled channel beneath native riparian vegetation for approximately 10 metres
be noted that even with MfE’s overly optimistic analysis, we will fall well short of what is required as a national average under the NPS-FM. This is despite the fact that through the Taranaki Riparian Management Programme the region is investing and doing far more than the NPS-FM requires and doing more than many other regions in New Zealand. Since 1995, the percentage of Taranaki’s ring plain streams fenced has risen from 50% to 85%, and the percentage planted has risen
current work are far below ambient guideline values, and all results fall into ‘excellent’ Ministry’s air quality category. Two of the four benzene results were within ‘excellent’ MfE’s category and another two results fell within the ‘good’ category. The Council has previously undertaken BTEX monitoring in Taranaki region. The outcomes of those previous BTEX studies were discussed in the “Air monitoring survey of hydrocarbon compounds (BTEX) in the Taranaki Region” report which may be
flat rich dairy land on uplifted marine terraces. Ropers Bush falls within the 'Acutely threatened' LENZ environment (less than 10% indigenous forest remaining) and is located in the Manawatu Plains Ecological District. The KNE provides connectivity to other KNE sites such as Ngakotana Gorge and Tarere Forest Extension. Ecological features Flora The main forest canopy is dominated by tawa (Beilschmiedia tawa), pukatea (Laurelia novae-zelandiae) and kahikatea (Dacrycarpus
to prevent drips from falling and the area below the hose was stained and contained hydrocarbon. Kauri-E: The ring drain was in need of redefining as some of the culverts were becoming blocked. An orange layer of sludge was noted in the ring drain. This appeared to be iron oxide that had discharged onto site from a neighbouring property. The pipe had since been disconnected. It was noted that a storage bund had sand in the base that smelled of hydrocarbon when disturbed. The consent …
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approximately 300 L/s of the residual flow past the weir (constructed in 2002). The remaining residual flow passes through an old (and mostly ineffective) fish pass on the true left bank of the weir. Much of the scheme is monitored and operated remotely by the Company. Through an automated water level sensor system, the Company can monitor the residual flows in the Manganui River and Mangaotea Stream, water levels in the race and lake and how much rain is falling locally. This has allowed the
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