Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1800 results.

Westown Haulage monitoring 2020-2021

2020 The fill area was coming to the end of fill capacity. No inappropriate material was observed. It was noted that the first of the three silt fences needed to be repaired. Although it was fine during the inspection, it had rained heavily prior to arrival, no issues were noted with regards to stormwater or visually in the receiving water. No dust or odours were noted. 20 May 2021 No activity was occurring on the site during the inspection. There were some piles of soil at the top


McIntyre B K Raine N W Walker C S Williamson Apologies Notification of Late Items Item Page Subject Item 1 5 PowerCo Presentation to the Taranaki Regional Council - PowerCo's 2018-2023 Investment Proposal Item 2 19 Confirmation of Minutes Item 3 26 Consents and Regulatory Committee Minutes Item 4 32 Policy and Planning Committee Minutes Item 5 38 Executive, Audit and Risk Committee Minutes Item 6 44 Draft 2017/2018 Annual Plan - Statement of Proposal

Officer Report Opunake Power Limited 15 March 2022

brought about an immediate and dramatic change in the instream conditions in the 3 km stretch of river below the diversion weir. numbered_Paras Because it is close to the sea the reach below the weir contains a wide range of migratory native fish species and their life stages. Species present below the weir include smelt, īnanga, torrentfish, redfinned and common bullies. numbered_Paras The Waiaua River has sand deposition issues that were a result from heavy rain and massive natural erosion

Annual report 2016-2017

discharges treated water from the final aerobic pond into the neighbouring Waiongana Stream in compliance with the conditions of Consent 0715-4. page 5 Figure 1 Location of DH Lepper Trust piggery and Lepperton 1.3 Resource consents Water abstraction permit Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some

Schedules of charges 2022/2023

$10.20 per month RNZ Uriti Telemetry $5,000 per year Repair Parts (battery/fuse/cable) $51.00 per deployment Surrey Road Telemetry $5,000 per year Standard hydrometric equipment $1,772.00 per year Tangahoe hydrometric equipment $619.00 per year Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (lower) $1,573.00 per year Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (upper) $973.00 per year Waingongoro hydrometric equipment $755.00 per year Waitaha hydrometric equipment $7,356.00 per year Rain

Talking Taranaki December 2023

innovative solar power farm, farmers and a group who have worked to safeguard freshwater and efforts to improve biodiversity in the eastern hill country. Our work to let people know if it’s safe for a dip in the sea, a river or a lake ramped up for the summer with weekly Can I Swim Here? monitoring at 41 popular swimming spots. The message is for people to wait three days after heavy or prolonged rain and check our website for warnings. Water users such as boaties,

Taranaki Galvanisers Ltd Annual Report 2022-2023

corner, or south toward swales in the grassed area and then to a settling pond on the southern boundary. Stormwater from a storage area to the south of the main building is transported across the paddocks to a manhole. During heavy rain overflow from the settling pond also discharges into a single manhole and enters the piped tributary. 1 The Council has used these compliance grading criteria for more than 19 years. They align closely

Civil Quarries Everett Rd quarry consent monitoring 2017-2018

regional plan, or it falls within some particular categories set out in Section 14. The Company holds water permit 10247-1 to cover the abstraction of groundwater incidental to quarry operations and for aggregate washing purposes. This permit was issued by the Council to the previous site operators (Inglewood Metal Ltd) on 1 December 2016 under Section 87(d) of the RMA. The permit was then transferred to The Company on 6 April 2017. page 5 Figure 1 Quarry operations,