hydrometric equipment $680.90 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (lower) $1,730.30 per year
Tawhiti hydrometric equipment (upper) $1,070.30 per year
Waingongoro hydrometric equipment $830.50 per year
Waitaha hydrometric equipment $8,091.60 per year
Rain Gauge Calibration $336.60 per deployment
Chlorine Meter $20.80 per use
Drone $132.00 per day
Multi-parameter Field Meter $112.20 per day
Haehanga hydrometric equipment $2,383.20 per year
This scale of charges is used to
State of the environment monitoring - freshwater physicochemical monitoring 2018-2019
25 August 2017
This inspection was conducted in fine weather with a light northerly wind. The cap was very damp, with
minor ponding in multiple areas following heavy rain during the previous weeks. The most significant
ponding was on the eastern border of the cap, approximately 5 m2 in size, and up to 10 cm deep. The lack of
vegetation in this area indicated that the ponding had been occurring for some time. Widespread minor
vehicle and stock damage was noted on the cap and batters,
for the NGI000174 second post-fracturing survey. There was a substantial decrease in
taxa richness at the ‘control’ site between the first and second post-fracturing surveys
which would be unrelated to any wellsite discharges and probably due to a
combination of high flows and stream typology. There had been significant amounts of
rain prior to sampling and river flows had exceeded 50 x median base flow on three
separate occasions in the ten days prior to sampling. The ‘control’ site is
Policy & Planning Committee agenda October 2021
perennial borders filled with
rhododendrons, camellias and large
trees. The garden is full of surprises
such as a shade house, native dell and
even an old Methodist church now
used as a wedding venue.
At the conclusion of the garden tour
we will settle down for fellowship and
conviviality and enjoy Marie’s hospitality.
P.S. Don’t forget to bring your picnic
lunch including drink, and the usual
personal items such as sunscreen and
Sunhat, rain jacket and umbrella (it
is Taranaki after
2 Results
2.1 Inspections
30 July 2019
An inspection was undertaken under consent 5838-2.2 (this is the discharge to land consent) as part of
routine compliance monitoring. The inspection was carried out in fine weather conditions following rain
within the previous 24 hours. The surface water bodies across the site were elevated, swift and turbid.
An inspection of the site found that the irrigation areas were wet with standing water observed on the
uppermost irrigation area. …
Upstream of SH3 - 2013 - After willow clearing
Figure 1 photograph taken
looking downstream from here
Figure 5: At Waitotara - 2002 - Prior to willow clearing
Figure 6: At Waitotara - 2013 -After willow clearing
2.3. The 2015 flood
On 19 and 20 June 2015, the Waitotara Catchment was hit by yet another period of very heavy rain that
caused extensive flooding within the valley and damage to roading and other important infrastructure.
forms brighten
up the dull days, and in preparation for the
coming season the Hybrid and Stead Blocks
look neat and well-polished.
But the dominating feature greeting visitors
is the progress on the developments which
although slowed by the almost incessant
rain of winter is quite dramatic. Under the
watchful eye of Greg Rine the expanded car
park and entrance adds a grandeur to the
gateway and expectation of the visit; the
framework for the expanded Vireya Display
house which
Operations and Regulatory Agenda 30 April 2024