rain which was
noted on a couple of inspections in case ponding occurs.
15.2 ha
6 ha
4.4 ha
1.2 ha
1.2 ha
Ballance Agri-Nutrients
11.2 ha
2.2.2 Discharge monitoring Effluent volume
Special Condition 2 of consent 0597-3 limits the volume discharged to 1,470 m³/d. The Company measures
and records daily the effluent volume sprayed on each irrigation plot and forwards this data to the Council.
into the process sewers which flow to the
storm pond. The stormwater falling on the non-process areas of the western half of the site (Figure 1) is
directed by “v” ditches running alongside the roads to a dam/pond and then out to the Tasman Sea via the
Manu Stream. Stormwater falling on the eastern side of the site is directed to unnamed tributaries of the
Waihi Stream via outfalls and a small sedimentation pond.
Sludge from the storm pond, off-spec pond and blow down pond stored in lagoons
NPDC coastal structures consent monitoring report 2018-2019
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4.4 State the relevant regional plan[s] and rule[s] numbers this application falls under.
Regional Fresh Water Plan Rule Number[s] ___________________________________
Regional Air Quality Plan Rule Number[s] ___________________________________
Regional Coastal Plan Rule Number[s] ___________________________________
Regional Soil Plan Rule Number[s] ___________________________________
No Specific Rule [eg,
Waitotara. The remainder or irrigators are
generally located inland, between Inglewood and Eltham.
1.1.7 Irrigation systems
In general there are two types of irrigation methods; surface and pressurised. The majority of irrigation
systems currently in operation in the province fall in to the pressurised category. Pressurised systems can be
further differentiated based on the method of operation and equipment used. A summary of the systems
encountered in the region is given below.
K-line and
1.3.1 Water abstraction permit
Section 14 of the RMA stipulates that no person may take, use, dam or divert any water, unless the activity is
expressly allowed for by a resource consent or a rule in a regional plan, or it falls within some particular
categories set out in Section 14.
GPL holds water abstraction permit 5384-2 to take groundwater from the Matemateaonga Formation for
use in enhanced hydrocarbon recovery activities at the Kaimiro-O wellsite. This permit was first issued by the
Impact Assessment & Cost-Benefit Analyses of Proposed Regional Pest Management Plan.
Taranaki Regional Council Annual Plan 2017/2018.
Draft Annual Plan 2017/2018.