Your search for 'rain fall' returned 1931 results.

January rainfall maps

page STRATFORD WAITARA Provisional data only PATEA NEW PLYMOUTH OPUNAKE ELTHAM MANAIA HAWERA EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Total monthly rainfall (mm) KEY xxx yy% INGLEWOOD Pohokura Saddle Dawson Falls Cape Egmont Stratford Whareroa Patea North Egmont Inglewood Motunui Brooklands Kaka Rd Kotare Rimunui Glenn Rd Huinga 47% 36% 37% 23% 15% 18%11% 28% 15% 21% 22% 30% 33 68 52

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring 2018-2019

compliance monitoring. The inspection was undertaken with sampling of surface waters and soil. At the time of inspection approximately 11 mm of rain had fallen at the site overnight. This had resulted in the surface being damp and the Haehanga Stream and associated unnamed tributaries being turbid and slightly elevated. Weather conditions were still, warm with total cloud cover. Rain was falling intermittently throughout the sampling run. The inspection found that the paunch pond had approximately


prepared as a separate appendix. This report deals only with historic heritage located in or on the boundary of the Coastal Marine Area. The Coastal Marine Area is defined as the area seaward of Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) to the 12 nautical mile limit, and in river mouths as defined by the Taranaki Coastal Plan, Appendix 2: Coastal marine boundaries at river mouths. Identification and protection of archaeological sites located on the landward side of these boundaries falls within the

Archaeological Scoping Study

prepared as a separate appendix. This report deals only with historic heritage located in or on the boundary of the Coastal Marine Area. The Coastal Marine Area is defined as the area seaward of Mean High Water Springs (MHWS) to the 12 nautical mile limit, and in river mouths as defined by the Taranaki Coastal Plan, Appendix 2: Coastal marine boundaries at river mouths. Identification and protection of archaeological sites located on the landward side of these boundaries falls within the

Proposed Coastal Plan Environment Court Consent Order 17 May 2021

5 (6) all parties are satisfied that all matters proposed for the Court's endorsement are within the scope of relief sought in the appellants' notices of appeal, fall within the Court's jurisdiction, and conform to the relevant requirements and objectives of the Act including, in particular, Part 2. [12] Therefore the Court orders, by consent, that the Proposed Taranaki Coastal Plan is amended in accordance with Appendix A. The appeal points in relation to these

Consultation Document TRC 2024/34 Long-Term Plan

we are conservatively forecasting port dividend returns of $8m a year over the life of the LTP. Our biggest financial risk is port dividends falling below forecast levels. Any circumstance that reduces the level of dividend will result in a commensurate increase in the level of general rates. We intend utilising our Dividend Equalisation Reserve, built up from years when dividends exceeded forecasts. This fund will be drawn upon to help minimise rates increases in the first few

SOE2022 Solid waste

year. The volume of waste to landfill peaked at 65,257 tonnes in 2013-2014 What we know and reduced significantly from 2015 when all three district councils aligned their recycling collection services and created a regional materials recovery facility in New Plymouth to process recyclables. In 2014, the waste to landfill in the region per person was 595kg falling to 311kg per person in 2020-2021. In Stratford and South Taranaki, there has been additional

Bikes on Buses

page Loading your bike Squeeze bike rack handle up to release lower rack. STEP 1 Lift bike onto rack with front wheel facing toward yellow support arm and fit wheels into clearly labelled slots. STEP 2 Raise support arm over front tyre so the hook rests on the top of the front wheel. STEP 3 Remove any loose items from the bike that could fall off while the bus is moving. Let the driver know you’re going to load your bike. Please remember that loading and

Bikes on buses

page Loading your bike Squeeze bike rack handle up to release lower rack. STEP 1 Lift bike onto rack with front wheel facing toward yellow support arm and fit wheels into clearly labelled slots. STEP 2 Raise support arm over front tyre so the hook rests on the top of the front wheel. STEP 3 Remove any loose items from the bike that could fall off while the bus is moving. Let the driver know you’re going to load your bike. Please