regenerating well. Drains running North to
south on both the eastern and western boundaries will also be
altering the hydrology of the site.
Herbivores - Medium Stock are excluded from the site through drains and a two wire
fence around the perimeter. Stock incursions are infrequent.
Possum Self-help This site falls within the Opunake possum self-help operation. Leg-
hold trapping is carried out annually by a contractor.
Predators - Medium Predators including rodents, mustelids, possums,
Banded kokopu are primarily a lowland species but can penetrate up to
180km inland, and to elevations of 550m. This has allowed them to
establish some landlocked populations in lakes in central New Zealand.
They are exceptional climbers and can scale steep falls to reach higher
Preferred habitats
for adult banded
kokopu are small
tributaries with
plenty of forest
cover. Unlike other
kokopu, they don’t
range of specific resource consent compliance
programmes. We have also committed to permanent iwi representation on the Council’s two main standing
committees. This is currently being progressed through Treaty of Waitangi settlement legislation.
There are eight iwi whose rohe or tribal area falls
either wholly or partially within the Taranaki region.
… hydrometric equipment (upper) $973.00 per year
Waingongoro hydrometric equipment $755.00 per year
Waitaha hydrometric equipment $7,356.00 per year
Rain Gauge Calibration $306.00 per deployment
Chlorine Meter $18.90 per use
Multi-parameter Field Meter $102.00 per day
This scale of charges is used to calculate the Council's actual and reasonable costs when carrying out functions under the
Resource Management Act 1991. Where those actual and reasonable costs exceed any specified
… levels are $8m per annum over the ten years of the 2021/2031 Long-Term Plan.
Dividends are a significant portion of the Council’s revenue streams. Port Taranaki Ltd operates in a highly-competitive
trading environment and there are no guarantees that it will be able to continue to deliver forecast dividend levels.
Accordingly there is a risk that profits and dividends may fall at some future point. This is the biggest risk to the delivery
of the proposed programmes.
Over the 10
management area within which it falls, except as
(i) rules referenced with a `G' apply to the entire coastal marine area except as otherwise
stated; and
(ii) rules for activities that fall within more than one coastal management area are dealt
with as described in Section 4.2.4.
4.1.2 Planning Maps
The following maps show the location of all coastal management areas. The location of the
coastal marine area boundary at rivers with non-standard "mouths" is also shown where
those rivers
Operations and Regulatory Agenda Oct 2023
considerations justify otherwise. The representation of the Stratford and South Taranaki
constituencies falls outside the stipulated range. The Council considers that the Stratford Constituency
warrants one member and the South Taranaki Constituency warrants three members for the following
• the proposed representation reflects the status quo (with only minor proposed boundary changes),
which is well understood and accepted by the regional community.
• the constituency boundaries are
fall in the race through to Lake
Likewise, an alternative intake
structure upstream or sump would
not be practicable given the
associated engineering, operational
and maintenance costs.
Yes – existing fish passes provide
effective alternative means to
ensure that indigenous and
introduced fish species are able to
navigate past the diversion weir.
The passes will continue to provide
effective passage provided they
are maintained from the build-up of
debris etc.
OMV NZ Pohokura Production Station Annual Report 2023-2024