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Regional Transport Agenda August 2023

on board for focus on public engagement. 5. NP’s Transport Choices update Rui Leitao NPDC • The elected members’ workshop is meeting at 1:00 pm today. • Program 1 – SH45 Devon Street West to town. Will have a “fly-over” 3D presentation of the project. • Due to catch up with Nigel Hurley next week regarding asset maintenance. • Steve Bowden questioned how they were going for sign off? Still in implementation phase so will be very tight for time. Lead time for materials is

Greymouth Petroleum Mining Group Ltd Turangi A Well Hydraulic Fracturing Report 2018-2021

4,800 Total barium g/m3 0.053 30 26 18.1 39 26 6.4 2.5 1.88 Total bromine g/m3 <0.5 12.8 14.3 13.3 9 12.1 9.6 5.7 3.8 Dissolved calcium g/m3 45 40 100 95 37 53 28 26 30 Total copper g/m3 0.026 0.008 0.062 0.048 0.029 0.024 0.152 0.019 0.057 Total iron g/m3 0.76 2.1 4.6 7 2.6 2.3 0.8 11.5 17.1 Dissolved magnesium g/m3 7 7 18 19 9 13 7 6 7 Total manganese g/m3 0.01 2.5 3 3.6 2.4 1.62 1.79 8.8 3.6 Total nickel g/m3 0.065 0.041 0.114 0.154 0.112 0.038 0.196 0.6 0.45 Total potassium g/m3 350

Southlink Opunake Coastal Timetable Jan 2025

Sinclair’s) Ōakura Hall Spotswood College* Liardet Street Egmont Street 6.55 7.08 7.13 7.25 7.35 7.50 7.57 8.00 Ōpunake Rahotu Pungarehu Ōkato Ōakura New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth to Ōpunake New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth Ōakura Ōkato Pungarehu Rāhotu Ōpunake Ōpunake Egmont Street Liardet Street Spotswood College* opp. Ōakura Hall Sinclair Electrical, Carthew St.

Report 2010-2012

guidelines for recreational values over the 2002-2012 period 50 Figure 52 LOWESS trend analysis of percentage cover of thick mats at Waingongoro River, Opunake Road (WGG000150) 51 Figure 53 LOWESS trend analysis of percentage cover of long filaments at Waingongoro River, Opunake Road (WGG000150) 51 Figure 54 LOWESS trend analysis of percentage cover of thick mats at Waingongoro River, Stuart Road (WGG000665) 52 Figure 55 LOWESS trend analysis of percentage cover of long filaments at

Pro tip for parade day: Get a bus

contractor Tranzit Coachlines. “There’ll be at least two services into town in the morning, and two back home in the afternoon.” He says that with roads having to be closed in the run-up to the parade, the Saturday services could prove to be a godsend for parents. “Why put yourself through the ordeal of negotiating busy streets and finding a park, when you could be driven to and from the parade?” Saturday services with altered timetables will be operated on Citylink routes on subsequent Saturdays in the

Regional Transport Committee Agenda 1 December 2021

RTC on 1 December 2021.  SB advised that there may be an Innovating Streets project on Miranda St in the pipeline for SDC, which would be brought forward. Monitoring the RLTP  Assistance still required with drafting regional monitoring framework. FR is linking in with national work through TSIG, but still awaiting examples of the current reporting undertaken by NPDC and STDC to improve awareness of existing KPIs used. SDC already received.  Reiterated the

Free buses add to Christmas spirit on parade day

Coachlines. “There’ll be at least two services into town in the morning, and two back home in the afternoon.” He says that with roads having to be closed in the run-up to the parade, the Saturday services could prove to be a godsend for parents. “Why put yourself through the ordeal of negotiating busy streets and finding a park, when you could be driven to and from the parade – and all for free?” Saturday services with altered timetables will be operated on Citylink routes on subsequent Saturdays in the

Southlink Opunake Coastal Map Jan 2025

Sinclair’s) Ōakura Hall Spotswood College* Liardet Street Egmont Street 6.55 7.08 7.13 7.25 7.35 7.50 7.57 8.00 Ōpunake Rahotu Pungarehu Ōkato Ōakura New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth to Ōpunake New Plymouth New Plymouth New Plymouth Ōakura Ōkato Pungarehu Rāhotu Ōpunake Ōpunake Egmont Street Liardet Street Spotswood College* opp. Ōakura Hall Sinclair Electrical, Carthew St.