in Table 2. As a result of vandalism during
the previous monitoring period, the Rimu Street site was decommissioned and replaced with the Vickers
Road Site, approximately 2.5 km downstream. Due to a significant weather event the sensor at Vickers Road
was washed away, resulting in a lack of data at this site for the monitoring period under review.
Table 2 Water temperature monitoring sites in the Waiwhakaiho River
Site Location GPS Location Site code
monitoring programmes for 2018-2019 51
4.6.6 Recommendations 52
5 Waverley WWTP and stock truck wastes disposal 53
5.1 Inspections 53
5.2 Results of effluent monitoring 54
5.2.1 Dissolved oxygen levels 55
5.2.2 Microfloral component 56
5.3 Results of receiving environment monitoring 56
5.3.1 Low flow receiving water survey of January 2018 57
5.4 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 59
5.5 Discussion 59
5.5.1 Discussion of site performance 59
monitoring programmes for 2018-2019 51
4.6.6 Recommendations 52
5 Waverley WWTP and stock truck wastes disposal 53
5.1 Inspections 53
5.2 Results of effluent monitoring 54
5.2.1 Dissolved oxygen levels 55
5.2.2 Microfloral component 56
5.3 Results of receiving environment monitoring 56
5.3.1 Low flow receiving water survey of January 2018 57
5.4 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 59
5.5 Discussion 59
5.5.1 Discussion of site performance 59
Waste Remediation Symes Manawapou landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Discussion 33
3.2.4 Waiongana Stream 34 State Highway 3a site (WGA000260) 34 Devon Road site (WGA000450) 38 Discussion 41
3.2.5 Waiwhakaiho River 42 National Park site (WKH000100) 42 Egmont Village site (WKH000500) 46 Constance Street site (WKH000920) 49 Site adjacent to Lake Rotomanu (WKH000950) 52 Discussion 55
3.2.6 Mangorei Stream 56 SH3 site (MGE000970) 56 Discussion 59
3.2.7 Manganui
Commented 1505): Some of these items may not be
necessary for a short.term remediation consent.
Naphthalene 7.2
Pyrene 160
Benzo (a) pyrene 0.027
Benzene 1.I
Toluene 68
Ethvlbenzene 53
Xvlenes 48
I SCS - Rural Residential MfE 20 II b; 2 Alberta Environment 2009; 3 NZWWA 2003, lowest of
protection of human health and ecological receptors. fBiosolids to land)
Groundwater quality
24. The consent holdersRaU-must maintain all groundwater monitoring wells on site.
25. The
influences on groundwater levels generally
combine during summer months to exacerbate effects, as water demand is high and aquifer recharge
volumes are low.
Site GND2220 is an observation well located near South Taranaki District Council (STDC) Swinbourne Street
production well (GND2242), which is part of the network of production wells that service the township of
Waverly. The groundwater level data from the site is plotted alongside total daily abstraction data from the
Todd Energy Mangahewa-A hydraulic fracturing consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
delivers high quality dairy ingredients and a portfolio of respected consumer brands to customers and
consumers around the world.
2.3. Fonterra has four dairy manufacturing sites in Taranaki at Whareroa near Hawera, Kapuni,
Collingwood Street and Fonterra Brands New Zealand Bridge Street in Eltham. Taranaki is the home
of more than 1,800 Fonterra shareholders and dairy farmers.
2.4. The key site affected by the provisions of the Proposed Plan is the Whareroa dairy manufacturing site.
from homes, streets and farms or overflows from town and residential sewerage systems. To decide where and when it’s safe to swim, you should check the Taranaki Regional Council website ( and use common sense based on what you can see from the riverbank. As a precautionary approach, people should generally avoid swimming in rivers and lakes for three days after heavy rainfall. Waitara River The Waitara River is a popular spot for locals wanting to cool down during the hot summer