surveys 48
4.10.4 Long-term trend analysis 49
4.11 Opunake Beach 51
4.11.1 SEM programme 51
4.11.2 Compliance with guidelines 52
4.11.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 52
4.11.4 Long-term trend analysis 53
4.11.5 MfE guidelines additional sampling 54
4.12 Ohawe Beach 56
4.12.1 SEM programme 56
4.12.2 Compliance with guidelines 57
4.12.3 Comparison with previous summer surveys 57
4.12.4 Long-term trend analysis 58
5. General summary 60
Policy and Planning Committee Agenda July 2024
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA210829181
Completed on: 15 Aug 2021
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Neil Thomas Hibell and Lloma Faye Hibell
Contact Name Neil and Lloma Hibell
Contact phone number 06 7550997 or 0276570257
Postal Address: 47 Airport Drive, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will
Submission on resource consent application
Online reference number: CA210837509
Completed on: 19 Aug 2021
Submitter's details
Full name or company name of submitter Karen and Rod Brown
Contact Name Karen Brown
Contact phone number 0220121988
Postal Address: 40 Airport Drive, RD 3, New Plymouth 4373
Street address of property affected (if different to the address
The Council will serve all formal documents
Executive Audit Risk Committee agenda February 2022
NPDC New Plymouth WWTP Annual Report 2023-2024
GND1013 GND1209
31 Oct
15 Feb
31 Oct
15 FEB
31 Oct
15 Feb
pH pH 6.7 6.7 6.5 6.5 6.6 6.6
Field Temperature °C 16.5 17.0 16.0 16.1 16.2 17.3
Level (depth to water) m 4.14 4.26 3.46 3.67 6.87 7.23
Alkalinity g/m3
CaCO3 510 500 101 107 530 560
Chloride g/m3 70 84 19.3 20 200 220
Filtered COD g/m3 38 38 < 6 <6 49 53
Conductivity @ 25°C * mS/m 123.2 126.4 29.7 30.4 170.8 177.6
Dissolved reactive
phosphorus g/m3 0.066
Oscillation (IPO) 38
3.4 High intensity rainfall 39
3.4.1 El Niño Southern Oscillation 39
3.4.2 Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation 40
3.5 High winds 43
3.6 Tornadoes 43
3.7 Tropical cyclones 44
3.7.1 ENSO 44
3.7.2 IPO 46
3.8 Drought and ENSO 46
4. Global Climate Change 47
4.1 Global perspective 47
4.2 Taranaki Temperature Projections 49
4.3 Taranaki precipitation scenarios 51
4.4 Changes in Rainfall Extremes 53
4.4.1 Implications of changes in
Mako Stream 39
2.9 Makara Stream and the Waitara River 44
2.10 Cultural Values 48
2.11 Recognised Features, Landscapes, Areas, Ecosystems and Trees 49
2.12 Recreational Features and Recognition 51
3. Proposal ____________________________________________________________ 53
3.1 Introduction 53
3.2 Manganui River Take and Diversion 54
3.3 Motukawa Race 56
3.4 Mangaotea Aqueduct 58
3.5 Mangaotea Stream Intake Structure 58
3.6 Lake Ratapiko and the Mako Stream
cool facts all centred on
insects. Check out the new Rainforest
Centre while you're there. Bring a picnic
lunch or try the new-look Founders Café.
Tūpare, Sunday 1 October, 2pm-4pm:
High Tea
Dress up in your finest and soak up the
atmosphere while enjoying a delicious high
tea in Tūpare's Chapman-Taylor designed
house. Fundraiser for Mangorei School
PTA. Tickets $20, available from Black
Bird Boutique, 148 Devon Street East,
New Plymouth, Ph: 06 759