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Community champs brochure Oct 2021

app provides valuable data to track predator control around the region, assessing progress and helping identify gaps in the region’s trapping network. There is an information sheet included with every trap about how to use You can find guidance, including ‘how-to’ videos at Regional Council Taranaki app Be the main point of contact for your street or suburb if anyone has trapping-related queries Store

Southern regional quarries consent monitoring 2016-2018

Quarry Limited – Rangitatau West Road 5th Compliance Monitoring Annual Report 2017-2018 49 11.1 Introduction 49 11.2 Resource consents 49 11.3 Compliance monitoring programme 50 11.4 Environmental and administrative performance summary 50 11.5 Alterations and recommendations for 2018-2020 52 12 R A Wallis Limited - Lower Glenn Road Quarry 2nd Compliance Monitoring Biennial Report 2016- 2018 53 12.1 Introduction 53 12.2 Resource consents 53 12.3 Compliance monitoring programme 54

Resource consent applications 9 May to 16 May

Dalziell Road, Eltham Waingongoro 21-02915-3.0 George Alfred Jupp 14-May-21 Replacement for expiring consent To discharge farm dairy effluent onto land Discharge Permit 53 Tikorangi Road, Tikorangi Waiaua 21-09900-1.1 Kaipi Holdings Limited 10-May-21 Change of consent conditions To take and use groundwater for general dairy farm and poultry farming operations...change of consent conditions to include dairy production facility Water Permit 202 Kaipi Road, Egmont Village Waiwhakaiho

Urenui & Districts Health Group Inc - Remediation NZ submission

page Submission on resource consent application Online reference number: CA190211368 Completed on: 12 Feb 2019 Submitter's details Full name or company name of submitter Urenui & Districts Health Group Incorporated Contact Name Alison Gillespie Email Contact phone number 067526971 Postal Address: PO Box 66, Urenui 4349 Street address of property affected (if different to the address above): 15A Takiroa Street, Urenui 4349 The Council will

Council meeting (LTP submissions) agenda May 2018

Foley 10.15am 31 Venture Taranaki Trust John Haylock 10.30 am 33 Federated Farmers Lisa Harper 10.45 am 16 Sport Taranaki Howie Tamati 11.00 am 5 Ian Armstrong 11.15 am 53 Eltham/Kaponga Community Board Maree Liddington 11.30 am 46 Taranaki Mounga Jan Hania & Sean Zieltjes? 11.45 am 30 Clive Neeson 12.00 noon 22 Taranaki CDEM Craig Campbell-Smart 12.15pm LUNCH 12.30-1.00pm 48 Te Korowai o Ngaruahine Trust Louise Tester & possibly Allie Hemera-Wahanui

Appendices to Jason Savelio Karena Pene's evidence

frequency analyses of predicted and observed wind speeds and directions, 2016, 1-hour average data page Tonkin & Taylor Ltd | 1 Fanshawe St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, New Zealand PO Box 5271, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142 P +64-9-355 6000 F +64-9-307 0265 E Job No: 1015638 28 January 2022 Airport Farm Trustee Limited 58 Airport Drive New Plymouth Attention: Ed Whiting Dear Ed Summary of Airport Farm field odour observations, September 2021

Remediation Hearing Hooper supplementary

1732056E- 5684927N STATEMENT OF SUPPLEMENTARY EVIDENCE OF Kathryn Hooper DATED 24 March 2021 Environmental Consultancy: Landpro Limited 57 Vivian Street New Plymouth 9342 Attention: Kathryn Hooper Tel: 027 759 2044 Email: Counsel acting: John Maassen - BARRISTER - ~ . \. 049141050 e 044733179 page Introduction 1. My name is Kathryn Louise Hooper, and I have a Masters in Applied