wellsite via the Cheal-A4 injection well
Year Annual
volume (m3)
Max. injection
injection rate
Max. injection
Avg. injection
Consent limit - 200 - 276 -
2016-2017 20,119 129 13.3 104 74
2015-2016 16,988 123 5.3 104 53
2014-2015 14,705 117 13.4 140 69
2013-2014 12,880 142 12.0 209 58
Table 15 Summary of injection occurring under consent 10254-1 (2016-2017)
Deep well
Marfell 15 27 rats
Elsewhere in Taranaki
Stratford 113 298 rats
Hāwera West 13 NA NA
Hāwera East 15 48 rats
Midhurst 5 7
Eltham 53 101 rats
Inglewood 107 1 19 hedgehogs
Kaponga 15 9 rats
Manaia 1 NA
Waverley 2 NA
Normanby 5 NA
TOTAL 1995 2608 rats
Yarrow Stadium has been constructed on Rugby Park, a large block of
land located in Westown to the south of the City Centre and to the
west of Pukekura Park in New Plymouth. Access is relatively narrow and
restricted because this is a large rear block of land in the middle of an
established residential area.
The two main access points are off Maratahu Street. There is also rear
access off Clawton Street to the south and side access to Tukapa
Street to the west.
Stadium Buildings and
Yarrow Stadium has been constructed on Rugby Park, a large block of
land located in Westown to the south of the City Centre and to the
west of Pukekura Park in New Plymouth. Access is relatively narrow and
restricted because this is a large rear block of land in the middle of an
established residential area.
The two main access points are off Maratahu Street. There is also rear
access off Clawton Street to the south and side access to Tukapa
Street to the west.
Stadium Buildings and
Agenda for Policy and Planning Committee, October 2017.
2,100 24 460
C7-C9 mg/kg <8 <8 -
C10-C14 mg/kg <20 <20 -
C15-C36 mg/kg <40 <40 -
Total petroleum
mg/kg <70 <70 4000
Benzene mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 1.1
Toluene mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 68
Ethylbenzene mg/kg <0.05 <0.05 53
m & p-xylene mg/kg <0.10 <0.10 48
o-xylene mg/kg <0.10 <0.10 48
Acenaphthene mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 -
Acenaphthylene mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 -
Anthracene mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 -
Benzo[a]anthracene mg/kg <0.3 <0.3 -
Benzo[a]pyrene (BAP)
l o
f s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Disagree 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 5 3 2 2 11 11 3
2 14 5 6 13 7 0 0 0 4 3 7 9 10 10 3 10 11 5
3 11 13 23 13 16 4 0 0 11 14 15 39 18 8 10 40 43 13
4 31 32 42 53 60 1 2 2 47 43 56 23 55 50 55 41 39 63
Agree 5 72 66 63 54 46 0 1 6 53 71 53 48 39 60 60 27 28 41
Count 133 116 134 133 129 5 3 8 116 131
Egmont 5 89.6 102 736.2 270 53 Jan 1930
Taungatara Te Kiri 5 99.0 111 549.5 227 36 Dec 2004
Kaupokonui Manaia 5 102.5 147 441.5 230 38 Sep 1997
Duffy's Farm Whareroa 5 52.0 71 407.0 210 37 Feb 1993
Bore 3 Patea 5 52.0 74 395.8 201 38 Feb 1994
Omaru Charlie's Clearing 6 99.5 85 361.5 116 21 Apr 2005
Omahine Moana Trig 6 87.5 80 424.0 138 24 Mar 2006
Rimunui Waitotara Valley 5 86.0 111 365.5 155 27 May 1993
Ngutuwera Waitotara 5 83.5 106 365.5 158 29 Apr 1998
a decision from
the Environment Court has been confirmed.
6.4 Credit was given to the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency team who are working on
the Mt Messenger project. They have continued to be persistent in getting good
information and have pushed through to get the project up and running. It was
suggested this be communicated appropriately with the team.
6.5 Mayor P Nixon, South Taranaki District Council, expressed his gratitude regarding the
Innovating Streets programme. South …
Class: Controlled
Location: Port Taranaki, Between Newton
King Street & Wharf Street, New Plymouth
Application Purpose: New
To take groundwater from dewatering excavations associated with construction of a
cement depot
Non-notified authorisations issued by the Taranaki Regional Council
between 14 Jul 2017 and 17 Aug 2017
R2/10451-1.0 Commencement Date: 03 Aug