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web Transpower appeal v3

on steel towers; Huirangi-Motunui A single circuit 11 OkV transmission line on steel towers; Waverley Substation; Hawera Substation; Opunake Substation; Stratford Substation; Huirangi Substation; Motunui Substation; Carrington Street Substation; and New Plymouth Substation. In addition to the above, there are three telecommunications sites: Kapuni, Tahurangi and New Plymouth. Attached as Appendix 1 is a map of Transpower’s assets in the Taranaki Region.

Outfall ecological report 2011-2013

5, Consent 3397-2 resulting in an infringement notice being issued. This infringement notice has been taken into consideration when evaluating the environmental performance in the following report: New Plymouth District Council Waitara Waste Water Treatment Plant Monitoring Programme Report 2012-2013 (TRC 2013-86). During May and July 2012 notifications were received concerning two overflows from the Queen Street pump station and the Richmond Street Pump station in Waitara. These

Taranaki By Products Air and Water Annual Report 2022-2023

42 Summary of performance for consent 6431-1 52 Table 43 Summary of performance for consent 9756-1 53 Table 44 Summary of performance for consent 10054-1 53 Table 45 Compliance, Environmental and administrative ratings 2022-2023 54 List of figures Figure 1 Wastewater irrigation areas, surface water monitoring and point source discharge locations in the Inaha Stream and tributaries 7 Figure 2 Location of the TBP site at Kohiti Rd, Okaiawa 8 Figure 3 Locations of

10Furtherinformation AppendixH1

page R J Hill Laboratories Limited 28 Duke Street Frankton 3204 Private Bag 3205 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand 0508 HILL LAB (44 555 22) +64 7 858 2000 T T E W This Laboratory is accredited by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ), which represents New Zealand in the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Through the ILAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement (ILAC-MRA) this accreditation is internationally

Taranaki waterways report card 2016

streets and farms or overflows from town and residential sewerage systems. To decide where and when it’s safe to swim, you should check the Taranaki Regional Council website ( and use common sense based on what you can see from the riverbank. As a precautionary approach, people should generally avoid swimming in rivers and lakes for three days after heavy rainfall. 2 1 4 5 6 7 10 8 9 11 3 KEY Improvement (almost certain) Improvement

Karen and Rod Brown

page ^s^'S^LRegional Council Submission on resource consent application Online reference number: Completed on: Submitter's details CA210837509 19 Aug 2021 Karen and Rod Brown Karen Brown Full name or company name of submitter Contact Name Email Contact phone number Postal Address: Street address of property affected (if different to the address NA above) The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email address provided

Poppas Peppers

page Taranaki Regional Council Submission on resource consent app ication CA210837568 19 Aug 2021 Poppas Peppers SueJensen-Gorrie Online reference number: Completed on: Submitter's details Full name or company name of submitter Contact Name Email Contact phone number Postal Address: Street address of property affected (if different to the address NA above) The Council will serve all formal documents electronically via the email address provided above.

Taranaki By Products Air and Water Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020 2021

2020-2021 monitoring period 45 Table 24 GND1346 2020-2021 monitoring period 46 Table 25 GND1347 2020-2021 monitoring period 47 Table 26 GND1348 2020-2021 monitoring period 48 Table 27 GND1349 2019-2021 monitoring period 49 Table 28 GND2225 2019-2021 monitoring period 50 Table 29 GND2226 2020-2021 monitoring 51 Table 30 Burial pit monitoring well GND1063 2020-2021 53 Table 31 Burial pit monitoring well GND1066 2020-2021 53 Table 32 Burial pit monitoring well GND1067

Annual report 2015-2016

receiving environment monitoring 51 10.2.2 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 51 10.2.3 10.3 Discussion 52 page iv Discussion of site performance 52 10.3.1 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 52 10.3.2 Evaluation of performance 52 10.3.3 Recommendations from the 2014-2015 Annual Report 53 10.3.4 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2016-2017 53 10.3.5 10.4 Recommendation 54 11. JW & TC Bailey Limited – Saxton Road, New Plymouth 55 11.1