Your search for '67 poplar grove' returned 906 results.

Waste Remediation Services Ltd Waikaikai Landfarm Annual Report 2022-2023

11:05:00 COND mS/m (External (Hill Laboratories)) (mS/m) at GND2291:46-78 Manutahi Road, Manutahi - page 13 Table 4 GND2292 2022-2023 monitoring period GND2292 Collected 05 Aug 2022 30 Nov 2022 29 Mar 2023 18 May 2023 Parameter Time 11:45 11:03 11:05 11:05 TEMP °C 15.7 16.1 15.5 15.7 Electrical Conductivity (EC) mS/m 87.1 69.9 63.1 54.1 pH pH Units 6.5 6.4 6.7 6.6 Chloride g/m3 140 97 97 67 Total Sodium g/m3 86 73 65 57 Acid Soluble Barium g/m3 <

Quarterly Operational Report September 2021

requests responded to. Provide, on a cost-recovery basis, approximately 550,000 suitable plants for land stabilisation, soil conservation and riparian planting programmes. YTD 221,352 plants sold. Implement the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Soil Conservation Programme including an estimated 4,000 poplar poles, 233 ha of protection forestry and construction of 17 km of retirement fencing to retire 200 ha of marginal

Annual Plan 2020/2021

farm plans and report on the implementation of the recommended fencing and planting. Provision of advice. When requested, provide advice on sustainable land management practices within ten working days. Provide, on a cost-recovery basis, approximately 550,000 suitable plants for land stabilisation, soil conservation and riparian planting programmes. Implement the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Soil Conservation Programme including an estimated 4,000 poplar poles,

Taranaki Regional Council Transport Procurement Strategy 2023

promotes an affordable, integrated, safe, responsive and sustainable transport system that assists economic development and safety and personal security, improves access and mobility, protects and promotes public health and ensures environmental sustainability. The Transport section of the Long Term Plan (LTP) details levels of services, performance measures and funding requirements for the next 10 years (refer to pages 67 to 70 of the LTP). The following documents inform the LTP: •

Quarterly Operational Report December 2019

cost-recovery basis, approximately 450,000 suitable plants for land stabilisation, soil conservation and riparian planting programmes. 620,000 native plants have been tendered for the 2020 winter planting year. Implement the South Taranaki and Regional Erosion Support Soil Conservation Programme including an estimated 4,000 poplar poles, 50 ha of protection forestry and construction of 22 km of retirement fencing to retire 400 ha of marginal land.

Operations and Regulatory Committee Agenda February 23 Part 1

Agriculture Farming - Dairy Effluent disposal Replace R2/3157-3.0 Murray Prankerd Trust Land - Animal Waste Agriculture Farming - Dairy Effluent disposal Replace R2/3161-3.0 Grove Dairy Farm (2008) Limited Land - Animal Waste Agriculture Farming - Dairy Effluent disposal Replace R2/3328-3.0 Pinehill Dairies (2018) Limited Land - Animal Waste Agriculture Farming - Dairy Effluent disposal Replace R2/3472-3.0 Mangapoua Farms Limited Land - Animal Waste Agriculture Farming - Dairy Effluent