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Annual report 2014-2015

8 7 8 Zinc mg/kg 300 73 94 68 80 72 67 Barium* mg/kg 10,000 590 5,400 284 588 2,200 1,090 Chloride mg/kg 700 8 19 9 32 38 110 Conductivity mSm-1 290 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 <10 Sodium mg/kg 460 89 440 420 84 380 410 Soluble salts mg/kg 2,500 <500 <500 <500 <500 <500 <500 Sodium absorption ratio - 18 1.50 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.80 Table 3 Geary landfarm soil compliance results 2 Parameter Unit Consent Limit Spreading areas sampled G17 G18 G20 G23 G26 G27

Summer 2014-2015

surveys 63 Cyanobacteria 64 Timaru Stream at Weld Road (near mouth) 65 4.2.11 Comparison with guidelines 67 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 67 Benthic cyanobacteria 69 Waimoku Stream at Oakura beach 69 4.2.12 Oakura River below SH45 70 4.2.13 Comparison with guidelines 72 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 72 Benthic cyanobacteria 73 Waitara River at the town wharf, Waitara 74 4.2.14

Schedules of charges 2020/2021

- The Trustees $708 PKW Farms LP $1,417 Pungarehu Farmers Group Water Scheme $1,131 Rowan Paul Oldfield $842 SC & MJ O'Neill Family Trust $442 South Taranaki District Council $43,379 Stoney River Dairy Limited $175 Stratford District Council $10,440 Taranaki Greenhouses Limited $775 Taranaki Regional Council $2,132 Te Rua O te Moko 2B Ahuwhenua Trust $708 The Tom Lance Trust $1,361 Turangarere Trust $575 Zenith Farms Family Trust $864 page 67 EXPLANATION The

Long-Term Plan 2021/2031

… ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 56 Transport ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Hazard Management .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 67 Recreation, Culture and

Summer 2011-2012

Compliance with guidelines 58 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 59 3.2.13 Waitara River at the town wharf, Waitara 60 Compliance with guidelines 63 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 63 3.2.14 Urenui River at the estuary 64 Compliance with guidelines 66 Comparison with previous summers’ surveys 67 3.2.15 Manganui River at Everett Park (downstream of Kurapete Stream) 68 Compliance with guidelines 71 Comparison

Freshwater physicochemical monitoring 2018-2019

3 Sampling procedure and analytical parameters 7 4 Water quality results 9 4.1 Sites’ water quality 9 4.2 Comparative water quality for the twenty four-year (1995-2019) period 63 4.2.1 TRC data 63 4.2.2 NIWA data 67 4.2.3 Comparative water quality for the twenty four-year (1995-2019) period 67 4.2.4 National Objectives Framework 70 4.3 Trends in physicochemical water quality data from 1995 to 2019 74 4.3.1 Introduction 74 4.3.2 Trend analysis methods 74

Waste Remediation Waikaikai Annual Report 2020-2021

register WRS Waikaikai Landfarm 2020-2021 Date Source Customer Disposal Site m3 Solid Liquid Direct Spread July 2020 McKee A Todd - 40 - 7-23 July 2020 Halliburton LMP Halliburton - 80 - 5-15 Aug 2020 Halliburton LMP Halliburton - 67 - 11 Mar 21 NPDC De Havilland Drive NPDC 65 - - 19 May 2021 Kapuni Todd Energy 24 - - 24 June 2021 Ahuroa First Gas 252 - - 2.4 Incidents, investigations, and interventions The monitoring programme for the year was based on what was