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Section 42a Report Structure Plan Development Areas 04 March 2022

7.6 DEV-4 Oropuriri Structure Plan Development Area ................................... 66 Key Issue 10: Cultural Engagement ............................................. 67 Key Issue 11: Structure Plan Changes/Mapping ............................ 72 7.7 DEV-5 Patterson Structure Plan Development Area Key Issues .................. 74 Key Issue 12: Cultural Engagement ............................................. 75 Key Issue 13: Structure Plan Changes/Mapping for Patterson

Regional Cleanfill Annual Report 2020-2021

12.3 Discussion 62 Discussion of site performance 62 Environmental effects of exercise of consents 63 Evaluation of performance 63 Recommendations from the 2019-2020 Annual Report 67 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2021-2022 67 Exercise of optional review of consents 68 12.4 Recommendations 68 13 Taranaki Trucking Company Ltd – Cardiff Road, Stratford 69 13.1 Site description and activities 69 13.2 Results 70 Inspections 70 Results of

Annual report 2014-2015

64 3.3.5 Data review 65 3.4 Results – Water 65 3.4.1 Inspections 65 3.4.2 Results of discharge monitoring 65 3.5 Results - Air 66 3.5.1 Review of flaring data 66 3.6 Results - Land 67 3.6.1 Reservoir pressure and injection pressure data review 67 3.7 Results – Pipeline 68 3.8 Annual report by Contact Energy 68 3.9 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 69 3.10 Discussion 69 3.10.1 Discussion of performance 69 3.10.2 Environmental effects of exercise of consents

Assessment of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on seismicity in the Taranaki region

porosities to estimate likely values of the hydraulic diffusivity (D). If κ is permeability (10 mD, 100 mD, and 1000 mD), µ is the viscosity of water (0.3 x 10-3 Pa.s at 100oC), φ is porosity (10, 20, and 30%), and βF is the compressibility of water (5 x 10 - 10/Pa) we can calculate a range of representative values for hydraulic diffusivity using (Talwani & Acree, 1984): Fμφβ κ=D D ranges over two orders of magnitude, from 0.67 m2/s to 67 m2/s, because of the corresponding range of observed

Climate change projections and impacts for Taranaki May 2022

(daily rainfall <1mm) changes by 2040 for RCP8.5. 66 Figure 3-43: Projected seasonal number of dry day (daily rainfall <1mm) changes by 2090 for RCP8.5. 67 page Figure 3-44: Modelled annual potential evapotranspiration deficit accumulation (mm), average over 1986-2005. 73 Figure 3-45: Projected annual potential evapotranspiration deficit accumulation (mm) changes by 2040 and 2090 under RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. 74 Figure 3-46: Projected annual mean wind speed

Mangahewa C hydraulic fracturing report 2016-2017

nitrogen g/m3 240 < 0.90 Sulphate g/m3 199 47 Total sulphur g/m3 67 16 Total barium g/m3 44 197 Total bromine g/m3 37 21 Total copper g/m3 0.0013 0.0100 Total iron g/m3 0.93 3.50 Total manganese g/m3 11 11 Total mercury g/m3 < 0.00008 0.00015 Total nickel g/m3 0.020 0.019 Total zinc g/m3 0.036 0.191 Formaldehyde g/m3 < 0.02 0.08 Methanol g/m3 < 2 < 2 Ethylene glycol g/m3 < 4 < 4 Propylene glycol g/m3 < 4 < 4 C7-C9 g/m3 3 101 C10 - C14 g/m3

Annual report 2016-2017

10.1.3. Air discharge permit 64 10.2. Results 65 10.2.1. Inspections 65 10.2.2. Results of stormwater discharge monitoring 65 10.2.3. Air discharge monitoring 67 10.2.4. Investigations, interventions, and incidents 70 10.3. Discussion 71 10.3.1. Discussion of plant performance 71 10.3.2. Environmental effects of exercise of consents 71 10.3.3. Evaluation of performance 72 10.3.4. Recommendations from the 2015-2016 Annual Report 74 10.3.5. Alterations to