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Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting June 2017


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting April 2017.

Annual report 2012-2013

solids Faecal coliform bacteria Enterococci bacteria Ammonia N Nitrate + nitrite N Dissolved reactive phosphorus Total phosphorus g/m3 g/m3 g/m3 mS/m g/m3 nos/100ml nos/100ml g/m3N g/m3N g/m3P g/m3P 74 68 36 68 68 67 68 68 33 29 32 30 <0.1-19.3 6-140 1.6-17 6.7-9.6 31.8-74.3 3-290 1700-360000 430-68000 0.07-21.7 <0.01-14.1 1.25-7.79

Report 2013-2014

STOS KA-19/20 wellsite consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Annual reort 2012-2013

Origin Energy Kupe production station consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki

allowed by a national environmental standard, a rule in a regional plan, or a resource consent. The national environmental standard, plan or resource consent may prescribe the noise standards for those activities (section 16). 2.1.2 National policy statements and environmental standards Section 67 of the RMA specifies that regional plans must give effect to:  any national policy statement,  any New Zealand coastal policy statement, and  any regional policy statement.

Annual report 2013-2014

Table 37 Summary of performance for Consent 6273 – emissions to air from Cogen I and II 65 Table 38 Summary of performance for Consent 7465 – emissions to air from combustion of wood 66 Table 39 Summary of performance for Consent 9620 – emissions to air from construction activities 67 Table 40 Summary of performance for Consent 9621 – discharge stormwater and sediment from earthworks 68 List of figures Figure 1 Tawhiti Stream flow (m3/second) at Duffy’s Farm from 1

Section 32 Evaluation Report - Proposed Coastal Plan for Taranaki

1997 – 2017 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 46 Table 4: Summary of climate change projections for the Taranaki CMA ............................................ 67 Table 5: Consented discharges in the Taranaki CMA ................................................................................ 70 Table 6: Consented structures in the