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Pukeiti Newsletter & Plant List February 2021

Oakura has led to the closure of some walking tracks, extending and repositioning others. One of these, the new Rowe Walk, leads from the Maxwell to the Ireland Walk and passes through a range of less common species including a grove of tawa trees. The Members’ Committee of the Trust has planned new activities for the coming year providing An Exciting Year Planned Andrew Brooker leans on the stump of the Giant Rata additional benefits for members. These include: • Four new

Quarterly Operational Report - March 2019

where appropriate instigate control, clean up and enforcement procedures, where reasonable and appropriate, and publicly report on all environmental incidents. Responded to all 356 reported incidents (100%) within the required timeframe. Instigated control and clean-up where required. Issued 42 fourteen day letters, 67 abatement notices and 29 infringement notices. One prosecution has been initiated as a result of unauthorised incidents.

Notified consents

Unaligned - 25 Feb 2022 [JPG, 182 KB] Whiting - Analysis Chart Data - 25 Feb 2022 [XLSX, 67 KB] Whiting - Comparison of wind measurements from Poppas Peppers - 25 Feb 2022 [XLSX, 109 KB] Whiting - Entries over time greater than 0 intensity - 25 Feb 2022 [JPG, 258 KB] Whiting - New Plymouth AWS NOAA - 25 Feb 2022 [XLSX, 1.5 MB] Whiting - Odour Dairies - 25 Feb 2022 [XLSX, 35 KB] Whiting - Windspeed and Odour Entries - 25 Feb 2022 [JPG, 214 KB] Whiting - 25 Feb 2022 [PDF, 126 KB] Submitters supplementary

Annual report 2012-2013

Annual Report 66 14.4.4 Alterations to the monitoring programme for 2013-2014 67 14.4.5 14.5 Recommendations 67 15. Summary of recommendations 68 Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 70 Bibliography and references 72 Appendix I Resource consents held by cleanfill owners and operators (alphabetical order) 75 page vi List of tables Table 1 Cleanfill consent details for the 2012-2013 period 5 Table 2 Number of samples taken and

Wai iti Beach Retreat Annual Report 2021-2022

soakage field has been created in the Olive Grove on the other side of the hillside to allow the Retreat to spread the load across a wider area. 1.2.1 Rock wall Over the summer and autumn months of 2004, rough seas combined with high tides reached the beach toe of the coastal banks and sand dunes that front the Wai-iti Beach Retreat. Fresh erosion scarps were cut into these banks for nearly the full beach frontage, where no system of protection previously existed (Photo 2). In 2005 an


Agenda for Ordinary Council meeting February 2017.