Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2364 results.

Lake Herengawe, Te Kiri Bush, Te Wairua o te kohu

privately owned land, 3.5 km south of Waverley near the Lower Herengawe Road and Ihupuku Road junction. The site lies in the Manawatu Ecological District. General description Lake Herengawe (and margins) cover 33.5 hectares, of which almost 50% is open water (lacustrine wetland) with the remaining area being lowland swamp (palustrine). The site is highly modified with pasture to the edge in most places. Lake Herengawe is ecologically important in that it is one of a series of

Form 201: Erect bridge or culvert

Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Site of proposed works   Local Roads   Property boundaries   Any other relevant features  Site Photographs 3.8 Photographs of the site showing the stream and its banks must be included with the application as indicated below: Photograph Hard copy Digital file provided

Annual report 2015-2016

Road at Inglewood, in the Waiongana catchment, and the Okato landfill is located on Hampton Road at Okato, in the Kaihihi catchment. NPDC also maintains a closed landfill, Marfell Park (Marfell) landfill in the Huatoki catchment. This landfill does not accept any waste for disposal and has been fully reinstated. This report for the period July 2015 to June 2016 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess NPDC’s environmental

Ample Group monitoring report 2019-2020

rendering plant, located on Mountain Road at Stratford, in the Kahouri Stream catchment, a tributary of the Patea River. The Company currently processes only beef. Wastewater is treated in a two pond system, which is either irrigated to land when conditions allow, or to the Kahouri Stream, ideally during high flow conditions. This report for the period July 2019 to June 2020 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s …

Moir Forest and Wetland; Pete's Spot

situated on private land in the New Plymouth District, 3.7 kilometres south of Bell Block. Dissected by Manutahi Rd, one site is located to the north of the road and the other to the south. Both sites border the Waiongona River and are located in the Egmont Ecological District. The remnants are protected by a QEII Covenant and are scheduled as Significant Natural Areas (SNA) under the NPDC District Plan. In total they make up 6.17 hectares of semi-coastal forest, classified as ecosystem type WF13

Application 4563 (renewal) - Ōpunake Power Ltd

locality) Beach Road – Opunake Beach _________________________________________________________________________________ 1.3 Map Co-ordinates at point of works (either Longitude/Latitude or NZTM): ________________________ Longitude ________________________ Latitude OR 1673748 E -5632044 N (NZTM) 1.4 Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice)

Annual report 2016-2017

performance data for Consent 7746-1 72 List of figures Figure 1 Patea River flow at Skinner Road (m3/s July 2016- June 2017 20 Figure 2 Location of biomonitoring sites in the Patea River in relation to Stratford Power Station 27 Figure 3 Biomonitoring locations on the Kahouri Stream in relation to Contact SPS 29 Figure 4 Ahuroa B site layout facing North West May 2014 56 Figure 5 Ahuroa B wellsite and gas storage facilities 58 Figure 6 Pipeline route from Ahuroa B Gas storage

Annual report 2016-2017

Pennington and Waitara Roads in the Waiongara catchment. The Company also operate a remediation, composting and vermiculture operation on the Mokau Road at Uruti, in the Mimi catchment. This report for the period July 2016 to June 2017 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring undertaken

Wai-iti consent monitoring report 2020-2021

Taranaki Regional Council Private Bag 713 Stratford ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Document: 2792495 (Word) Document: 2826316 (Pdf) August 2021 page page Executive summary Wai-iti Motor Camp Ltd (the Company) operates the Wai-iti Beach Retreat (the Retreat), located on Beach Road in North Taranaki. This report for the period July 2020 to June 2021 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess

Port Area Industrial Catchments Annual Report 2020-2021

(Beach Energy) operates the Kupe Omata Tank Farm located on Centennial Drive, New Plymouth. The Tank Farm is a hydrocarbon storage facility covering approximately 1.5 hectares of land adjacent to the New Zealand Oil Services Limited storage facility (Figure 2). Figure 2 Aerial photography of Beach Energy and NZOSL sites The southern part of the site includes two hydrocarbon storage tanks. The northern part of the site, along the road frontage, includes a tanker unloading building,