Ports can also play an important role in place-shaping. Particularly because many
cities/settlements have developed around a port, which means that many ports are
situated in the heart of built up urban areas , often with excellent road and rail
3.1 Regional role
Well-functioning ports are an enabling asset within a regional context. Ports can support business productivity and
activity offering the benefit of economies of scale. They act as a hub of
on Victoria Road at
Stratford, in the Patea catchment. The landfill was closed to the public on 11 March 2002 and
to commercial disposers on 23 March 2002. The site has more recently been used to dewater
and dispose of oxidation pond sludge from the adjacent municipal waste water treatment
plant but this activity ceased in early 2006, and the landfill was recapped and reinstated. The
only external material now accepted at the landfill is soil from a local sawmill site
remediation project.
Results of discharge monitoring 15
2.5.4 Evaluation of performance 16
2.6 New Zealand Oil Services Ltd – Ngamotu Road 18
2.6.1 Site description 18
2.6.2 Resource consent 18
2.6.3 Results 19
Inspections 19
Results of discharge monitoring 19
2.6.4 Evaluation of performance 20
2.7 Shell Todd Oil Services Ltd – Paritutu Tank Farm 21
2.7.1 Process description 21
2.7.2 Resource consent 21
2.7.3 Results 22
Inspections 22
to June 2023 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) and
details the monitoring programme associated with resource consents held by Tamarind New Zealand
Onshore Ltd (the Company). The Company operates the Sidewinder Production Station located on Upper
Durham Road at Inglewood, in the Waitara catchment and Te Atiawa rohe. A description of the site
processes can be found in section 1.2.
In accordance with the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) environmental management should be
reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2020 to June 2021 by the Council and describes the results of the
monitoring programme associated with an air discharge permit held by New Plymouth District Council
(NPDC) to cover emissions to air from NPDC’s crematorium on Junction Road (State Highway 3), 5 km south
of New Plymouth.
Since 1 October 1991, with the enactment of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), the Council has
Meadowvale Piggery) operates a piggery located on
Mountain Road at Midhirst, in the Manganui catchment. This report for the period July
2012-June 2013 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional
Council to assess the Company’s environmental performance during the period under
review, and the results and environmental effects of the Company’s activities.
The Company holds two resource consents, which include a total of 22 conditions setting out
the requirements that the
Kowhai-D wellsite and hydraulic fracturing activities
The Kowhai-D wellsite is located on Manganui Road and lies within the Waitara Catchment. A tributary of
the Waitara River is located around 120 m to the north-east and the main channel of the Waitara River is
located approximately 610 m north east of the wellsite.
The area surrounding the site is rural in nature and farming and forestry activities co-exist with active
petroleum exploration and production operations. The location of the
2014-2015 Annual Report 67
3.7 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2016-2017 68
3.8 Recommendations 69
4. Summary of recommendations 70
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 71
Bibliography and references 73
Appendix I Resource consents held by Methanex
Appendix II Hydrograph for the Waitara River at Bertrand Road for the monitoring
period July 2015 to June 2016
Appendix III Methanex’s biennial water reduction report
Appendix IV Air emissions report
performance in relation to the Kaponga landfill consent as defined in Section
1.1.5. This site is on a Council triennial monitoring programme, and the discovery of the waste
roading material across the central drain highlights the importance of checks being made by
STDC during the intervening period.
During the year, STDC demonstrated a high level of environmental and high level of
administrative performance in relation to the Eltham landfill consent as defined in Section
During the
Section 8.6.2 8.6.2 Light
Light sources will be shielded so that they do not have an adverse effect on significant indigenous biodiversity. and the light source is not directly
visible from any residence, vehicle on a public road or ship under navigation. except in the following cases:
(a) Navigation aids; or
(b) Lighting required under the Acts of Parliament for the safety of ships or offshore installations and aircraft.
Definition of Regionally important infrastructure means