landfills that are consented to reopen in emergency situations and Colson Road
landfill is still consented to take refuse. It was noted that Taranaki Civil Defence
Emergency Management also have a contingency plan in place for Civil Defence
emergency refuse.
2.3 Household recycling bin collection has started up again however, there is a high level
of contamination. This is currently not being policed but monitoring and stickering
will be starting up again in the next two weeks.
significantly to the following
RLTP policies:
S3: Support the aims of Roadsafe Taranaki.
S4: Support the aims of Safer Journeys
G2: Focus on effective and efficient strategic road and rail
corridors, particularly between inter-regional ports.
A3: Ensure a range of travel options are available to the region’s
Impacts on RLTP:
The proposal does not negatively affect any other projects in the
RLTP, nor affect the overall integrity/affordability of the Plan. This
important to be prepared for a disaster,
although only 60% of the community surveyed admit they have taken some steps to
becoming prepared and only 10% of those confess to being fully prepared 15.
Improving readiness in the community is a priority for CDEM in Taranaki.
Built Environment 2.1.2.
Taranaki is well serviced by an extensive infrastructure network, however some
vulnerabilities exist.
Taranaki has three road routes providing access to the region. All three are
% of typical
full year
Marco Road 23 265.2 166 2151.5 129 115 2018
Br to
Somewhere 20 227.3 167 1865.0 127 112 2018
2. River Flow at 32 sites in Taranaki
Map2: Month mean river flows (m3/sec), with difference as % of long-term mean
Table 2: Table 2: Summary of maximum, minimum and mean flow for the current
reporting month and the same month for all preceding years of record.
Recorded flows
Figure 1 Company site layout 1319 Mountain Road 4
List of photos
Photo 1 Osflo facility main storage facility 6
Photo 2 Rear of the Osflo main storage facility 6
Photo 3 Truck wash area 7
1 Introduction
1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource
Management Act 1991
1.1.1 Introduction
This report is for the period July 2020 to June 2021 by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) on the
monitoring programme associated
Taranaki Irrigation Study 2012.
Policy & Planning Committee agenda July 2018
to be provided.
Aerial photograph (or map) included
Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:
Discharge points
Local Roads
Property boundaries
Any other relevant features
5.1 If you have discussed this proposal with Gouncil staff, please give the person's name here:
/iAy/^ c-r^k / C^f^ M^/^flcw
5.2 In your own words, briefly describe the activity you are undertaking:
Co^post'/f^ef Q^e/ t/^jrw/tu /fyi^
5.3 Identify the potentially
Eltham wastewater treatment plant consent monitoring report 2017-2018
Remediation NZ Ltd
Uruti and Waitara Road
Monitoring Programme
Annual Report
Technical Report 2019-50
Taranaki Regional Council
ISSN: 1178-1467 (Online) Private Bag 713
Document: 2297711 (Word) STRATFORD
Document: 2329090 (Pdf) February 2020
Executive summary
Remediation New Zealand Ltd