Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2359 results.

Manawa Energy Motukawa HEP Annual Report 2022-2023

of the scheme. There are certain operational requirements also set by consents, which require flushing flows of 400 L/s to be released down the residual flow reach once the Tariki Weir has not naturally overtopped for 30 days, and that once flows in the Waitara River at the Bertrand Road bridge drop below 5,000 L/s that either the abstracted water is passed continuously through the lake, or that abstraction cease (with regard to the 150 L/s residual flow in the race). At no point

Public agenda Ordinary 21 September 2021

21-14 Westown Haulage Ltd Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein c) receives the 21-20 STDC Eltham WWTP Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein d) receives the 21-23 Wai-iti Beach Retreat Monitoring Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and notes the specific recommendations therein e) receives the 21-28 STDC Patea Beach Green Waste Discharge Programme Annual Report 2020-2021 and

Policy and Planning Committee Agenda April 2024

Confirmation of Policy and Planning Minutes - 19 March 2024 5 page Confirmation of Minutes Policy and Planning 13 February 2024 Resolved That the Taranaki Regional Council: a) took as read and confirmed the minutes of the Policy and Planning Committee of the Taranaki Regional Council held at 10.30 on 13 February 2024 at Taranaki Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional Council on Tuesday

Better Travel Choices Consultation with questions

page On the future of transport in Taranaki Have your say The easiest way to have your say is online at page Help us shape the future of active and public transport Public consultation on the two documents that make up the Better Travel Choices for Taranaki is taking place from Monday 18 September to Sunday 29 October 2023. Better Travel Choices for Taranaki sets out a series of ideas and options that respond to “The Road Ahead” regional transport

Better Travel Choices Consultation Document

page On the future of transport in Taranaki Have your say The easiest way to have your say is online at page Help us shape the future of active and public transport Public consultation on the two documents that make up the Better Travel Choices for Taranaki is taking place from Monday 18 September to Sunday 29 October 2023. Better Travel Choices for Taranaki sets out a series of ideas and options that respond to “The Road Ahead” regional transport

Form No 510 Change to consent conditions general

the Consents Department at the Council and request an aerial photograph to be provided. Aerial photograph (or map) included  OR no change to site  Please make sure the following is shown on your aerial photograph or map:  Site of proposed changes   Local Roads   Property Boundaries   Any other relevant features  7 Consultation / Affected Parties 7.1. Please list the persons that you believe to have an interest in or that may be affected

TRC Technical Memorandum Macroinvertebrates 20 June 2023

Stream Vanners landfarm, Lower Ball Road MRO000210 WD/L/VA/P/MO/LG 1720698 5602911 Mangati Stream D/S railway line MGT000488 WN/L/VA/P/LO/LG 1700095 5678043 Te Rima Pl, Bell Block MGT000520 WW/L/VA/U/LO/LG 1699385 5679103 Waiau Stream Inland North Road WAI000110 WW/L/VA/P/MO/LG 1714587 5680018 Pātea Mangaehu River Raupuha Rd MGH000950 CW/L/SS/P/HO/LG 1726300 5639062 Makuri Stream 30m D/S Raupuha Rd MKR000495 WW/L/SS/P/MO/LG 1723795 5641478

OMV NZ Pohokura Production Station Annual Report 2022-2023

Executive summary OMV New Zealand Ltd (OMV), previously Shell Exploration NZ Ltd, operates a hydrocarbon production station and associated wellsites, located on Lower Otaraoa Road at Motunui in the Waipapa and Manu catchments. This report for the period July 2022 to June 2023 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess OMV’s environmental and consent compliance performance during the period under review. The report also details the

Consents & Regulatory minutes June 2021

effluent, but the effluent would need to be pumped out and transported to a licenced facility for discharge. 8.4 There are serious safety concerns created by having this facility closed including effluent overflowing from trucks on to roads and associated environmental impacts. 8.5 It was agreed that the Chief Executive write a letter to Waka Kotahi New Zealand Transport Agency formally notifying the Council’s concerns about the site closure and that they are able to carefully continue to