Executive summary
The Ahuroa B Gas Storage Facility (Ahuroa B/AGS) is owned and operated by Flexgas Ltd (the Company).
Ahuroa B is located on the corner of Barleymans Road and Croydon Road, east of Midhirst, in the Waitara
catchment. Ahuroa B supplies natural gas to one of its main customers, Contact Energy, for use in their
Stratford Power Station.
This report for the period July 2022 to June 2023 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to
Taranaki Regional Council held on 6 June 2023 at Taranaki
Regional Council 47 Cloten Road Stratford
b) noted the recommendations therein were adopted by the Taranaki Regional
Council on Tuesday 27 June 2023.
2. Resource Consents Issued under Delegated Authority & Applications in Progress
2.1 Mr A D McLay, Director – Resource Management, spoke to the memorandum to
advise the Committee of consents granted, consents under application and of consent
Groundworkx Taranaki Ltd (the Company) operates a cleanfill and green waste facility located on Victoria
Road at Stratford, in the Patea catchment
This report for the period July 2020 to June 2022 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the
Taranaki Regional Council (the Council) to assess the Company’s environmental and consent compliance
performance during the period under review. The report also details the results of the monitoring
undertaken and assesses the environmental effects of
lactose manufacturing factory plant located on Manaia Road at
Kapuni, in the Kaupokonui catchment. The plant processes milk and whey permeate from dairy product
manufacture around the North Island. There is also an inhalation grade lactose (IGL) plant on the site
operated by another entity, with stormwater discharges from the areas around this activity combined with
those of the lactose plant under consents held by the Company. Wastewater from the factory site is
disposed of by irrigation onto
Executive summary
Todd Generation Taranaki Ltd (the Company) operates the McKee Power Plant on Otaraoa Road near
Tikorangi, bridging the Waitara and Onaero catchments. Located to the south of the McKee Production
Station (which processes oil and gas from the McKee and Mangahewa groups of wellsites), the McKee
Power Plant was completed and commissioned during the 2012-2014 period. The 100 MW electricity
generating facility provides both peak and base load power for the national grid.
piggery located on the corner of 4833 South Road and 24
Arawhata Road, Opunake in the Arawhata catchment. The piggery is a breeder, grower, and finishing
operation with the capacity of up to 5,381 pigs and piglets at any one time. The Company holds resource
consents which allow the Company to discharge effluent to land via spray irrigation, and the discharging of
effluent emissions to air from related practices.
During the monitoring period, Stanley Bros Trust demonstrated a level of
Rules 56
to 63
Rule 16 Discharges from recreational or trade processes
Discharges from abrasive blasting processes
Rule 17 Wet abrasive blasting
Rule 18 Abrasive blasting – fixed source
Rule 19 Abrasive blasting – moveable source
Rule 20 Moveable abrasive blasting that does not comply with Rule
Rule 21 Use of high-silica sands in dry abrasive blasting
Discharges from other moveable or fixed industrial sources
Rule 22 Moveable road burners
monitoring 24
5.3 Evaluation of performance 25
6 McKechnie Aluminium Solutions Ltd 27
6.1 Site description 27
6.2 Results 29
6.2.1 Inspections 29
6.2.2 Results of discharge monitoring 29
6.3 Evaluation of performance 31
7 New Plymouth District Council 32
7.1 Site description 32
7.2 Results 34
7.2.1 Inspections 34
7.2.2 Results of stormwater discharge monitoring 34 De Havilland Drive West 35 Connett Road West 35 Connett Road
to Inaha IND001015
E No 1 stormwater: main reception, garage and yard to firewater reservoir STW001075
Table 3 Inaha Stream and tributaries sampling sites (Figure 2)
Description Site code
Ahipaipa Road INH000334
Bridge, 420 m u/s Kohiti Road INH000348
Unnamed northern tributary at Inaha confluence INH000397
Kohiti Road INH000400
110 m d/s cooling water discharge and 30 m d/s pond 6 discharge INH000408
500 m d/s pond waste discharge INH000420