Your search for '72&76 CUTFIELD ROAD WESTOWN' returned 2364 results.

RLTPVariation NukumaruRail

person/s: Vincent Lim Variation request: Add new project - Upgrade of rail level crossing at Nukumaru Station Road. Background to variation request Due to the proposed Nukumaru Station Road with the associated increased in traffic volume across the existing rail level crossing, Kiwirail has requested for a Level Crossing Safety Impact Assessment (LCSIA) to be carried out. The Safety Review Team (SRT) has identified improvements to the rail level crossing to reduce the risk score to an

Lepper Trust Piggery Annual Report 2022-2023

Trust (the Company) operates a ‘farrow to finish’ piggery breeding and fattening unit located on 541 Mountain Road Lepperton, in the Waiongana catchment. The facility includes a solids composting process and an anaerobic biogas digester that generates about half of the total electricity usage for the site. Effluent from the piggery is partially irrigated to land. This report for the period July 2022 to June 2023 describes the monitoring programme implemented by the Taranaki Regional Council

RPMP 4 Taranaki Plants Animals summary split

occupiers must destroy all Old man’s beard on their property, EXCEPT: any parts of a property that lie within 50m from the middle of the Waingongoro River south of Opunake Road and for areas in which the Council has not completed its initial control programme; any parts of a propertyAND that lie within 50m from the middle of the Pātea River east of State Highway 3. NEW PLYMOUTH 0 20 km ScaleNEW PLYMOUTH EGMONT NATIONAL PARK Waingongoro R Pātea R

Port Taranaki Industries Annual Report 2021-2022

supplies bitumen for roading and associated uses across the North Island. Technix Bitumen Technologies Ltd (Technix) also operates a bulk bitumen plant located within the bounds of Port Taranaki (Figure 2). The plant supplies bitumen for roading and associated uses. Methanex New Zealand Ltd (Methanex) operates a methanol storage facility at the port (Figure 2). Methanol is piped to the tanks from the methanol plants at Motunui and Waitara Valley. Site stormwater is discharged via an outlet


Services Manager) Ms K Watt (Passenger Transport Officer) Mrs F Ritson (Policy Analyst) Mrs K van Gameren (Committee Administrator) Apologies Notification of Late Items Item 1 Confirmation of Minutes – 7 October 2015 Page 1 Item 2 Minutes of the Taranaki Regional Transport Page 8 Advisory Group Item 3 Request to vary the Regional Land Transport Plan Page 14 for Taranaki 2015-2021 Item 4 NZ Transport Agency Regional Report Page 41 Item 5 Regional road

iventory of coastal areas significance taranaki

SUBDIVISIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 UNFORMED ROADS ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3. INVENTORY SHEETS................................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 NUMBER...................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2

Inventory of coastal areas of local or regional significance in the Taranaki region

SUBDIVISIONS.............................................................................................................................................. 2 2.3 UNFORMED ROADS ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3. INVENTORY SHEETS................................................................................................................................ 3 3.1 NUMBER...................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2

SOE2022 Solid waste

more economical to maintain fewer, better-engineered landfills. From 2004, all waste collected in Taranaki was disposed of at the Colson Road Landfill in New Plymouth, until its closure in 2019. It has since been disposed of at the Bonny Glen Landfill in Marton in Manawatū-Whanganui, with 13 transfer stations in Taranaki servicing both urban and rural communities. Total waste to landfill continues to reduce over time, presently decreasing at about 3% per

Land Transport Plan monitoring report 2018-2019

Waitara to Bell Block Route Improvements annotation page Regional Land Transport Plan for Taranaki 2015-2021 Page 7 of 22 Annual Monitoring Report for 2018/19 (Year Four) Plan Objective Implementation notes project, many Minor Improvements activities by RCAs, and the community education centred work of the Taranaki Road Safety Action Planning

Herd Properties Limited

defendant, Ms Hughes proposed a starting point of $35,000 to $45,000 and $20,000 to $25,000 for the offences. The site3 [4] The discharge of dust occurred from a property being developed for an industrial/commercial subdivision (the site) at 812 Devon Road (State Highway 3), Bell Block, New Plymouth.4 The site is approximately 6.5 hectares and was purchased by Herd Properties in August 2016. At the time of purchase the site was grass covered and used primarily for pastoral