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AEE Appendix 2 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

2 0.07 - - 3 0.04 Inanga ( ) - - - - 1 0.01 Common smelt ( ) - - - - - - Brown trout ( ) - - 1 0.02 - - Shrimp (P ) - - - - Present Seine netting Inanga ( ) - - - - 1 0.01 Common smelt ( ) 39 0.20 - - 72 0.8 Total number of species 4 - 3 - 6 - Total number of fish 52 0.23 28 0.47 154 0.91 page page Summary and conclusions page o o o References acroform

Periphyton monitoring 2018-2020

trend analysis 65 Waiongana River 69 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 70 Periphyton cover 70 Periphyton Index Score 71 Periphyton biomass 72 Long term trend analysis 72 Waiwhakaiho River 75 Flow and nutrient data and survey dates 76 Periphyton cover 76 Periphyton Index Score 78 Periphyton biomass 79 Long term trend analysis 79 General summary 82 Periphyton cover 82 Weighted Composite Periphyton Cover 83 Patterns in …

Waste Remediation Services WRS Ltd Symes Manawapou Landfarms Annual Report 2021-2022

water sample A surface water sample (Table 6) was collected from Lake Taumaha (Figure 15) this monitoring period. Figure 15 Sample location Lake Taumaha Table 6 Lake Taumaha surface water sample LTM00001 Collected 22 Jun 2022 Parameter Time 11:30 TEMP °C 11.4 Electrical Conductivity (EC) µS/cm 383 mS/m 38.3 Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) g/m3 220 Acid Soluble Barium g/m3 < 0.11 Chloride g/m3 72 Total Sodium g/m3 39 pH pH Units 7.9 C7 - C9

October 2021 hydrology report

Waitotara 15 97.5 72 1001.0 93 78 Apr 1998 Waitotara Coast 12 54.4 62 962.6 98 83 Sep 2015 page Table 2: River Flow at 9 sites throughout the region River and Site Recorded Flows (m3/sec) Records Began Maximum Minimum Mean October 2021 October all previous years October 2021 October all previous years October 2021 October all previous years Waitara at Bertrand Rd 473.024 1541.591 25.881 7.136 69.231 76.542 Feb 1980

Summer 2009-2010

Table 70 Statistical results summary for Wai-inu Beach 54 Table 71 Bacterial guidelines performance at Wai-inu Beach 54 Table 72 Summary of enterococci bacteriological water quality summary data (nos/100ml) for all summer surveys at Wai-inu Beach to date 54 page vi Table 73 Statistical summary of results for the sites sampled in the SEM marine contact recreational water quality survey, 2009-2010 55 Table 74 Enterococci guideline summary 57 Table 75 Summary of compliance

Annual report 2014-2015

Waste Remediation Waikaikai landfarm consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Resource consents 27 April - 21 May 2020

Submitter - not heard Te Kaahui o Rauru - Legal Entity of Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi Submitter - withdrawn Te Runanga O Ngāti Ruanui Trust Submitter - withdrawn Consents and Regulatory Committee - Resource consents issued under delegated authority and applications in progress 72

Application AEE 20 02053 4 0 + 5 other renewals 1 new Trustpower 25 November 2020

Mangorei Hydro-Electric Power Scheme 5.14 Conclusion 68 6. Consultation _________________________________________________________ 69 6.1 Introduction 69 6.2 Consultation with Iwi 69 6.3 Consultation with other Stakeholders 71 7. Statutory Considerations _______________________________________________ 72 7.1 Introduction 72 7.2 Section 104 Assessment 72 8. Notification Assessment _______________________________________________ 89 9. Concluding Statement

Manawa Energy Existing Environment legal opinion response

relating to existing activities could be construed as part of the existing environment. The Court in Marr also referred to Mason & Keall v Bay of Plenty Regional Council D098/207 and Tainui Hapu and the Regional Council A63/2004 (above). 9 [2012] NZEnvC 72 at [133]. The High Court decision in Ngāti Rangi accordingly distinguished several other decisions and lines of authority. page 4 10. Port Gore was a decision on marine aquaculture and in our view assessing effects without