Your search for '72' returned 907 results.

Consents & Regulatory agenda March 2021

July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar April May June 2020-2021 20 38 53 75 94 116 131 154 2019-2020 26 51 72 102 148 162 188 218 239 245 248 263 2018-2019 32 55 66 84 109 186 195 211 225 242 265 286 New Renewal Change Review Totals 2020-2021 to 28th December 2020 52 63 28 11 154 2019-2020 Total 81 138 44 0 263 2018-2019 Total 148 93 45 0 286 A g ri cu lt u ra l C en tr a/ L o ca l G o ve rn m en t E n er g y F o re st ry

Kowhai D hydraulic fracturing report 2018-2020

three dimensions) of the discharge location over the 72 hour period following hydraulic fracturing. 2.2 Physiochemical sampling 2.2.1 Groundwater Hydraulic fracturing activities in the Kowhai-6 well commenced on 7 December 2018 and continued until 28 March 2019. A pre-fracturing baseline sample was collected on 30 August 2018. Post-fracturing samples were collected three months, eight months and one year following commencement of the activities on 29 March 2019, 19 August 2019 and 10 …

Annual report 2014-2015

Remediation NZ Ltd consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.

Freshwater physicochemical monitoring 2017-2018

SEM sites for the twenty three-year period July 1995 to June 2018 (n = 36 to 276 samples) 64 Table 43 Some comparative water quality data for the two NIWA SEM sites for the 23-year period July 1995 to June 2018 (n = 275 samples) 67 Table 44 Comparison of 1995-2018 SEM (TRC and NIWA) sites’ median water quality with guideline values for various usages 68 Table 45 Summary result for water quality data from 2015-2018 for ecosystem health (n=36 samples). 72 Table 46 Results for NOF

Rules 52-76: Uses of river and lake beds (excluding Stony catchment)

occur, at least two working days prior to the commencement of works;  Sediment disturbance shall not conspicuously change the visual clarity of water beyond a zone of reasonable mixing. Permitted Extraction of sand, gravel, aggregate or rocks from:  the bed of a lake that is not provided for or does not meet the conditions of Rules 70 and 71 or49,  a river that does not meet the conditions of Rules 70 and 71 72 Discretionary 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5,