Your search for '72' returned 878 results.

Annual report 2015-2016

McLeod’s drain 64 Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Rifle Range Road and Struthers Place 64 Discharge to Waiwhakaiho River from Vickers Road 65 Discharge to Mangaone Stream from mid Katere Road 66 Discharge to Mangaone Stream from Hurlstone Drive 67 10.3.2 Bewley Road industrial development 67 10.3.3 Groundwater monitoring 67 10.3.4 Surface water monitoring 70 10.3.5 Investigations, interventions, and incidents 72 10.4 Discussion 72 10.4.1

Annual report 2016-2017

discharge permits 72 11.3. Results 72 11.3.1. Inspections 72 11.3.2. Chemical analysis 72 Results of discharge monitoring 72 Results of receiving environment monitoring 73 11.4. Investigations, interventions, and incidents 74 11.5. Discussion 74 11.5.1. Discussion of site performance 74 11.5.2. Environmental effects of exercise of consent 74 11.5.3. Evaluation of performance 75 11.5.4. Recommendation from the 2015-2016 Annual Report 77

STDC landfills monitoring report 2017-2018

Parameter Unit 9 Feb 2018 27 June 2018 All Data (given where N >5) Min Max Median Alkalinity Total g/m³ CaCO3 1020 580 130 1310 926 Ammoniacal nitrogen g/m³ N 129 52 0.308 176 117 Un-ionised ammonia g/m³ 0.416 0.36 0.00022 1.26 0.213 Chloride g/m³ 313 110 41 1,100 262 Chromium Dissolved g/m³ <0.03 0.0006 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 Conductivity @ 20°C mS/m@20°C 267 145.9 44 319 228 Dissolved reactive phosphorus g/m³ P 0.009 0.002 <0.003 0.030 0.004 Filtered COD g/m³ 140 72

Annual report 2016-2017

Dow AgroSciences consent monitoring Annual report 2016-2017

Climate change projections and impacts for Taranaki May 2022

days ................................................................................................... 60 3.2.3 Extreme, rare rainfall events ................................................................... 68 3.3 Drought ................................................................................................................... 72 3.3.1 Potential evapotranspiration deficit ....................................................... 72 3.4 Other climate variables

Greymouth Deep Well Injection Annual Report 2021-2022

pressure (bar) Consent limit 5312-2 and 2.1 - 1,000 41.6 85 - 2021-2022 1,297 46 23.0 76 61 2020-2021 13,586 48 27.3 77 73 2019-2020 11,876 65 39.9 70 40 2018-2019 11,818 70 40.0 68 45 2017-2018 9,310 71 35.5 85 71 2016-2017 2,000 77 26.0 85 64 2015-2016 9,919 92 36.8 70 59 Consent limit 5312-1 - - - - - 2014-2015 13,403 58 18.3 119** 74 2013-2014 15,299 69 18.0 93** 72 Note ** Maximum injection pressures were recorded during reporting periods prior to

Annual report 2016-2017

Greymouth Petroleum deep-well injection consent monitoring report 2016-2017

Annual report 2014-2015

Saturation (%) 12 August 2014 0.92 0830 10.0 7.7 70 11 December 2014 0.81 0730 18.4 6.6 72 18 May 2015 2.46 0730 13.5 7.2 69 Aerobic conditions were recorded on all inspection occasions (Table 1), despite the lack of wave action on the surface of the main pond at all times and the low pond levels (on two of three occasions) maintained to provide adequate flow buffering capacity since the effluent discharge was diverted away from the stream. The dissolved oxygen saturation levels