...................................................................................... 72
14.7 Waingongoro River at Normanby ......................................................................................... 73
14.8 Manganui River at Croyden .................................................................................................. 75
14.9 Waiongana Stream at SH3A .................................................................................................. 76
Executive Summary
The National Policy Statement for
monitoring year, a multi-gas meter was deployed on one occasion in the
vicinity of the plant. The deployment lasted approximately 72 hours, with the instrument
placed in a down-wind position at the start of the deployment. Monitoring consisted of
continuous measurements of gas concentrations for the gases of interest (carbon
monoxide and combustible gases). The monitoring sites used in the year under review
are shown in Figure 2.
Because of the nature of the activities on the site, it was
Tawhiti catchment consent monitoring report - Taranaki Regional Council.
Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Plan for Taranaki 2012-2017.
Management Act 1991 61
3.2 National perspective 61
3.3 Discussion of 2012-2013 results 63
3.4 Evaluation of performance 65
3.5 2011-2012 Report recommendations 68
3.6 Alterations to monitoring programmes for 2013-2014 68
3.7 Exercise of optional review of consents 69
4 Recommendations 70
Glossary of common terms and abbreviations 71
Bibliography and references 72
Appendix I Resource consents held by Trustpower Ltd for the Mangorei
HEP Scheme 75
Appendix II
performance for Consent 9620 – emissions to
air from construction activities 72
Table 42 Summary of performance for Consent 9621 – discharge
stormwater and sediment from earthworks 73
List of figures
Figure 1 Tawhiti Stream flow (m3/second) at Duffy’s Farm from 1
July 2014 to 1 July 2015. Figure A shows the entire range of
flows, while figure B displays range of flows between 0 and
4.2 m3/second with relevant thresholds 25
Figure 2 Volume of wastewater discharged through the
COD g/m³ 80 147 11 290 116
Iron Acid Soluble g/m³ 15 29 0.38 72 31
Mercury Total g/m³ <0.00008 <0.00008 <0.00008 0.0016 <0.0001
Nitrite/nitrate nitrogen g/m³ N 1.73 0.35 <0.01 3.97 0.07
pH pH 7.0 7.2 6.4 7.7 6.9
Temperature °C 16.2 17.8 12.9 36.2 16.9
Zinc Dissolved g/m³ 0.0076 0.0012 <0.0010 0.086 0.009
Figure 4 Hawera landfill leachate chloride concentration; 1999-2022
Figure 5 Hawera landfill leachate filtered chemical oxygen
Regional Transport agenda September 2021
Patea Estuary . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Figure 21. Summary of broad scale habitat, Whenuakura Estuary . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Figure 22. Summary of broad scale habitat, Waitotora Estuary . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Robertson Environmental Limited has been engaged by Taranaki Regional Council (TRC) to un-
dertake the vulnerability assessment of twenty estuaries in the Taranaki Region in relation to
Stream 71
Table 30 Summary of performance for Consent 4595-3 Eliot Street outfall 72
Table 31 Summary of performance for Consent 4602-1 rock protection works along New Plymouth
foreshore 72
Table 32 Summary of performance for Consent 5160-2 stormwater outfall structure on New
Plymouth foreshore 73
Table 33 Summary of performance for Consent 5182-2 stormwater outfall structure on Ngamotu
Beach 73
Table 34 Summary of performance for Consent 6553-1 boat ramp at Paritutu/Back