Your search for '72' returned 907 results.
Port catchments consent monitoring 2017-2018
Port area catchments consent monitoring report 2017-2018
Policy & Planning agenda November 2018
Policy & Planning Committee agenda November 2018
PCP TrackedChanges Oct2018
Annual report 2016-2017
Boyd drilling waste consent monitoring report
Annual report 2016-2017
Remediation NZ consent monitoring report 2016-2017
Revised Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - June 2020
Revised Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) - June 2020
Central Landfill baseline monitoring 2017-2018
STDC Eltham Central Landfill baseline monitoring report 2017-2018
Council meeting (LTP submissions) agenda May 2018
Agenda for Council meeting (LTP submissions) May 2018
all harmful organisms (not just the ones for which rules are required), and sets out programmes and activities for achieving their control, including site-led programmes, advice and information, or biological control. Pursuant to the 2012 amendments to the BSA, Council was not legally required to publicly notify the RPMP (section 72 BSA). However, given the wide public interest in such matters, Council agreed to the public notification of the proposal (and the draft Biosecurity