Your search for 'rates' returned 2163 results.

Policy and Planning Committee Agenda November 2022

Risk/Opportunity Management Description Risk Cause and Effect Mitigation Strategy Risk Rating (unmitigated) Comments (including current actions) Challenges in conducting effective engagement with tangata whenua as required under the NPS-FM Challenges in tangata whenua resourcing and the timelines that the TRC is required to meet may place pressure on the ability of staff to engage fully with iwi and hapu. Additionally, this pressure can

Regional Transport Committee Agenda March 2022

It was suggested that an annual catch up around forestry is arranged and to include someone in Regulatory from TRC.  Stratford District Council will be going out for consultation on a targeted rate for forestry land. Taranaki Regional Transport Committee Meeting - Minutes - Regional Transport Advisory Group Meeting 13 page 3. State Highway activities – project updates from Waka Kotahi The updates were provided in the agenda and were taken as read. The

Policy Planning Committee Agenda March 2022

Policy and Planning Committee - Freshwater Programme Update 14 page Project Risk/Opportunity Management Description Effect Mitigation Strategy Risk Rating (unmitigated) Actions currently being taken Lack of a clear strategy and timeline for engagement on key strategic issues. Engagement in this sense is the two way discussions needed to obtain external stakeholder input on key FW programme and FW Plan elements. Engagement

Executive, Audit & Risk Committee Agenda February 2021

advocacy and investment management 192,928 183,495 -9,433 723,916 748,505 24,589 1,760,516 Direct charges revenue 384,686 298,463 86,223 1,461,536 1,454,815 6,721 4,376,777 Rent revenue 127,149 95,833 31,316 535,635 479,165 56,470 1,150,000 Dividends 2,500,000 0 2,500,000 6,000,000 4,000,000 2,000,000 8,000,000 General rates revenue 1,988,598 1,988,598 0 3,977,196 3,977,196 0 7,954,392 Targeted rates revenue 1,492,806 1,492,793 13 2,985,613 2,985,586 27 5,971,173 Direct charges

Ordinary Council Agenda May 2024

Minutes - 30 April 2024 22 8. Confirmation of Executive Audit and risk Committee Minutes - 6 May 2024 26 9. Confirmation of Minutes: Hearing of Submissions on Consultation Document for 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan 31 10. Freshwater Consultation Overview 35 11. Taranaki Regional Disaster Relief Fund 107 12. Adoption of the 2024/2034 Long-Term Plan 119 13. Setting of Rates 2024/2025 309 14. Proposed changes to Local Electoral Act 2001 316 15. May- June Meeting Dates 321 16.