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6AEE AppendixD

silty-clay . Due to high rates of irrigation loading, shallow groundwater beneath the Uruti Composting Facility Site are moderately impacted with Chloride contamination . Site layout, hydrogeological interactions, soil types and rainfall also influence the level of Chlorides observed in the soil, groundwater resources and the Haehanga Stream environment . Offsite impacts have not been quantified and where not part of the scope of this report The Uruti Composting Facility Management Plan was

TRC submission on Action for Health Waterways

experienced the intensification seen in some other regions. For example, the total number of milking dairy cattle in 1998/1999 was 481,034 (nearly 15% of the nation’s milking herd) and by 2013/2014 it was still only 493,361 (10% of the national herd). Likewise, stocking rates have hardly changed, from an average of 2.8 cows per hectare in 1998/1999 to 2.85 cows per hectare in 2013/2014. These are lower stocking rates than the national average. The pressures on land use are not

AEE Appendix 1 - Ōpunake Power Ltd

including loss of gate control, the scheme operated with few major issues. In comparison with previous monitoring years, compliance with residual flow requirements was high, continuing on from the significant improvement noted in the 2014-2015 monitoring period. Management of the level of Lake Opunake improved from the previous period, as maintenance works and changes to operations led to a reduction in the rate of water lost during station shutdowns. Unfortunately, the maintenance works required

Annual report 2013-2014

accordance with State of the Environment monitoring requirements. The 2013-2014 programme continued to incorporate these changes. A later consultant’s report (in 2000) re-confirmed trends (using up-dated methodology) that the lake was phosphorus limited and remained mesotrophic. Further trend reporting for the period 1990-2006 was provided as a component of the consents renewal process and suggested that while there has been a very slow rate of increase in trophic level, the lake would be

Methanex consent monitoring 2017-2018

monitoring, enables the Council to continually re-evaluate its approach and that of consent holders to resource management and, ultimately, through the refinement of methods and considered responsible resource utilisation, to move closer to achieving sustainable development of the region’s resources. 1.1.4 Evaluation of environmental and administrative performance Besides discussing the various details of the performance and extent of compliance by Methanex, this report also assigns them a rating

Mon submissions

Sport NZ acknowledges that Taranaki Regional Council is only mandated to act in respect of Rugby Park in New Plymouth, we know that the Council is also aware that any decisions it makes with regards to the rates it levies has a material impact on the residents of the Region and therefore on the wider network of community facilities including those relating to sport and active recreation. Any decision the Council makes regarding the redevelopment of the Stadium has an

Biennial report 2012-2014

irrigation areas and groundwater monitoring points 5 Figure 3 Location of SFF Waitotara meat processing plant showing irrigation areas and groundwater monitoring points 6 Figure 4 Average daily abstraction rate October 2012 - September 2014 13 Figure 5 Conductivity, ammonia and nitrate at groundwater monitoring points, 1994-2014 18 page 1 1. Introduction 1.1 Compliance monitoring programme reports and the Resource Management Act 1991 1.1.1

Application 1795 (renewal) - Ōpunake Power Ltd

N (NZTM) 3.4 Legal description of property at site of activity (refer to land title or rates notice) Lot1 SS6265 Sib Sec 47 Borough of Opunake Blk IX Opunake SD _________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Assessment/Valuation number of property (refer to land title or rates notice) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ page 4 Location

Executive Summary

overall population has continued to increase since 2001 but the rates of growth are nowhere near what are being experienced in other faster growing regions. So the environment is not under population-induced pressure. Like any report card there are positives and negatives. The main conclusions of the report are summarised on the following pages. page 1442647 MB Final Draft. 13 Land Soil is one of Taranaki’s most important resources. Taranaki’s rural-based wealth is

Trustpower Motukawa hydro consent monitoring 2017-2018

regularly. A backup system allowed the collection of a limited range of critical data, which allowed Trustpower to continue operating the scheme in line with other conditions (e.g. residual flows, race water levels etc.). There was only one occasion when required flow rates were not complied with. This related to a severe weather event resulting in a high race water level but was of short duration (no more than 2.5 hours). Compliance with flushing flow requirements was good with regards to the